vicberg -> Convoy System (1/11/2014 2:22:52 PM)
Folks, Here's the situation. First production (SO39). I'm trying to transport a FR resource via Indo-China into France via Red Sea and transport a resource from West F. Africa into Spain via CSV, dumping into a Spanish port and then rail to a French Factory. All of these are permissible via RAW. This isn't working because the game is trying to figure out the convoy system. The French CP are being used by the game for transport of CW resources from India and the Sengal resource is attempting to go into Spain via W. Med using French CP. Both of these aren't needed and it's really difficult to override the game here. I need to make a suggestion. The game SHOULD NOT try to figure out convoy system. It's far far too complicated for that type of fuzzy logic and, IMO, it will NEVER, EVER work. The only thing the game should possibly do is figure out rail. Rail to a port (if no factory along a rail line) and rail from a port/resource to an available factory. The only way the convoy system is going to work is if using the existing forms under Preliminary Production, you specify exactly what sea zones the resource is being transport through, by using the ROUTE radio button and clicking sea zone by sea zone. The game can show the convoy route as it is being established. The MINE vs. ALLIED radio button can be used to determine if using MY CP vs. ALLIED CP with MINE being obviously and ALLIED being any available in that sea zone. It needs to show a list of coastal PORTS (not hexes) using the Coastal Hexes (PORTS) button for the selected sea zone (when building the Convoy Chain) to enable someone to dump a resource into that port. The game can then step in and figure out from there the path to an AVAILABLE factory rather than forcing someone to choose a factory if it's a resource and not an oil. The rest of the functionality on this form can work as is. We are still running 1.07, so if this has be somewhat fixed in 1.09 (or 1.08), please let me know. I think the convoy system will always be a problem if you don't provide this granular level of control.