john g -> (3/13/2001 7:26:00 AM)
Originally posted by Paul Vebber:
To paraphrase Ian Hogg in "The guns - 1939-45"
You can do a little back of the envelope figuring and if an 8in round with powder was ~250lbs that is 8 per ton, and a 2 and 1/2 ton truck could carry about 20 rounds - say 25 if you bent the sprngs a bit, so if you had 6 guns firing a bit better than 1 round per minute, you had a battery of 6 guns expending maybe 400 rounds an hour, requiring an hourly convoy of 16 trucks to supply or if firing continuously 384 truckloads of ammo per day. A truck convoy over a 3 and half miles long. That would be a rather serious logistics drain for 1 battery.
[This message has been edited by Paul Vebber (edited March 08, 2001).]
Paul I won't question your statements about artillery, to me it should be a greater killer in the game, but then it becomes more of a boring sim than an exciting game.
However, the 2 1/2 ton truck does not have a 5000 lb carrying capacity. Just a ship doesn't figure it's carrying capacity from it's rated tonnage.
I drove a 5 ton truck for years that had a 29,000 lb gross weight rating and that was figured more from the tires that it mounted not from the load the springs could support.
The truck weighed about 11000 pounds and could carry about 18000 pounds of cargo.
For one short trip it was overloaded with approx 30000 lbs of cargo against my wishes and didn't blow any tires or shocks, it just swayed side to side as it rolled down the road and was a bear to slow back down.
A 10 ton truck is perhaps more familiar to you as a semi, 60000 to 80000 lbs gross weight rating depending on which states they are driving through. Locally, one driver overloaded to 120,000 lbs only got caught when he collapsed a bridge he was driving over.
thanks, John.