RE: No longer an asset.. (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/18/2014 8:07:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hertston


ORIGINAL: warspite1

So Lady Thatcher was wrong for removing the deterrent that led to the Falklands, but we can give up our only weapon against future nutters that can wipe us out? Right....

Neither nuclear weapons nor anything else can be relied upon to deter 'nutters' as those nutters by definition are likely to act irrationally. Seen from some particular religious viewpoints, it might even be considered rational to provoke a nuclear strike by launching one. Therefore... the only way a nuclear deterrent can prevent a nuclear attack on the UK is a 100% successful first strike on an assessed threat, with the associated consequences.

Sorry mate, but regardless of which bunch might be in power, that scenario is not acceptable to me. Neither is wasting 100 billion plus on something far better spent on conventional defence, healthcare, tax cuts or whatever else your ideological heart might desire. The whole nuclear thing is a nonsense for the UK in the 21st century. It's nothing to do with the efficacy or otherwise of any 'deterrent', and everything to do with staying in the club that includes a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.


I did not mean nutters in that sense - after all Hitler was a nutter [:)]

But fair enough this is one of those subjects that polarises opinion. I will never believe other than the need to keep the deterrent but I respect your counter view.

Edit: Spelling its nutters not butters [8|]

nate25 -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/18/2014 9:31:38 PM)




Is it the opinion of most, that Russia (the old Soviet Union) could NEVER fall back to their former communist aggressive ways?

With a leader like Putin it would be a mistake to think there isn’t much he wouldn’t do to regain dominance in Eastern Europe again. As long as he can maintain his power through Russia’s current system of government, he has shown he’s not going to try and grab control permanently (at least not yet). But if his power is threatened, I have no doubt he’d revert to communism in a heartbeat if it would allow him to maintain control. The man is evil.

As to the armed forces, it seems the world goes in cycles. Wars are fought and people value their ability to defend themselves and they remain strong for a while, but then time passes. Peaceniks and liberals rail on about the tragedy of defense spending instead of giving stuff to the poor and countries slowly disarm. Then along comes some evil bastard who notices how weak the world is and he goes for broke and millions die. It seems humanity is destined to never learn from the past.

The real tragedy of the world situation today over the past is countries around the globe have come to rely on the US almost totally for defense. Professional militaries are almost non-existent in the world today and the ability to fight in an emergency if needed is questionable. What was it we found out during the Libya uprisings, non-US NATO forces only had 6 days worth of ammunition stockpiled or some ridiculously tiny number of days? It basically revealed how defenseless they are if the US isn’t there to do the heavy lifting.

If the US military gets defunded the way the liberals want to defund it, the world will be ripe for the picking. If that happens the only thing that might buy enough time to rearm is nuclear deterrent. Get rid of that and you’re headed into slavery or worse guaranteed.


IMHO, if you think the Russians have done anymore than change their flag and the badge on their caps, you are very niave.

jday305 -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/19/2014 12:56:12 PM)

When the Chinese, Russians, Indians, Pakastan and North Korea have nukes, the UK and US need that deterrent. I'm sorry but I don't trust any of them. If the UK and US doesn't have nukes then we are at the mercy of any of these countries. All of these countries have visions of greater glory and would probably use or threaten the use of nukes to get it. How do we counter the threat of nukes without deterrent? Negotiate? Look how well its worked out for the current American administration.

Hertston -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/19/2014 3:40:46 PM)

The Russians may have designs of extended power, if not sovereignty, over the former Soviet states. The Chinese probably do in respect of much of the South China Sea. As far as I'm aware, India and Pakistani terratorial ambitions are restricted to bordering chunks of each other. And as already implied, Kim Jong-un is a complete headcase that can't be relied upon to be rationally 'deterred' anyway.

The latter apart, possibly, there isn't the slightest bit of evidence any of them have any intention to threaten or use nukes in search of 'greater glory' - whatever that means. Certainly no more evidence, in most of the world's eyes, than the US doing it. As far as the UK is concerned, I'm about as worried about the ambitions for 'greater glory' of that lot as I am about an invasion from Mars.

Talking of which ..... Alien base on the Moon?

I rest my case. Unless it should turn out to be Kim Jong-un's secret vacation retreat, anyway. [;)] Of course, if anyone should now argue we should keep nuclear weapons with the additional requirement for lunar capable launchers I would have to concede the point. [:D]

jwarrenw13 -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/19/2014 4:09:22 PM)



When the US gets a new president, we will reignite our kinship with the UK militarily, strategically and diplomatically. The current president has low regard for the UK and as soon as he's gone-relations will improve.


Boomer78 -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/19/2014 5:07:37 PM)





When the US gets a new president, we will reignite our kinship with the UK militarily, strategically and diplomatically. The current president has low regard for the UK and as soon as he's gone-relations will improve.


Speak for yourself. The next time I see an American bow to the Queen I think I'll make sure to vomit red, white and blue.

That says nothing about the British people themselves... says quite a bit about my thoughts on the British government, which shouldn't be trusted any further than we could throw 'em.

warspite1 -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/19/2014 5:14:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Boomer78





When the US gets a new president, we will reignite our kinship with the UK militarily, strategically and diplomatically. The current president has low regard for the UK and as soon as he's gone-relations will improve.


Speak for yourself. The next time I see an American bow to the Queen I think I'll make sure to vomit red, white and blue.

That says nothing about the British people themselves... says quite a bit about my thoughts on the British government, which shouldn't be trusted any further than we could throw 'em.


Why? What is showing a bit of respect for a great lady that deserves it got to do with the British Government?

gradenko2k -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/19/2014 5:34:43 PM)

The UK's spearheading of a no-go on military intervention in Syria played a big part in having the US hold off on the same. That probably worked out better in the long tun than the two going along just because of any "special relationship"

Boomer78 -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/19/2014 5:53:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: Boomer78





When the US gets a new president, we will reignite our kinship with the UK militarily, strategically and diplomatically. The current president has low regard for the UK and as soon as he's gone-relations will improve.


Speak for yourself. The next time I see an American bow to the Queen I think I'll make sure to vomit red, white and blue.

That says nothing about the British people themselves... says quite a bit about my thoughts on the British government, which shouldn't be trusted any further than we could throw 'em.


Why? What is showing a bit of respect for a great lady that deserves it got to do with the British Government?

Oh, come now, Warspite. Whatever happened to that working class revolutionary that the English are so well known for? 'God Save the Queen' had one good thing going for it... it was a song written by the Sex Pistols.

I'll be right there with Johnny Rotten... taking a dump in her crown.

warspite1 -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/19/2014 7:05:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Boomer78


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: Boomer78





When the US gets a new president, we will reignite our kinship with the UK militarily, strategically and diplomatically. The current president has low regard for the UK and as soon as he's gone-relations will improve.


Speak for yourself. The next time I see an American bow to the Queen I think I'll make sure to vomit red, white and blue.

That says nothing about the British people themselves... says quite a bit about my thoughts on the British government, which shouldn't be trusted any further than we could throw 'em.


Why? What is showing a bit of respect for a great lady that deserves it got to do with the British Government?

Oh, come now, Warspite. Whatever happened to that working class revolutionary that the English are so well known for? 'God Save the Queen' had one good thing going for it... it was a song written by the Sex Pistols.

I'll be right there with Johnny Rotten... taking a dump in her crown.

Really? How pleasant...

But as I said, what has the Queen got to do with the British Government?

JudgeDredd -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/19/2014 7:44:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hertston

The Russians may have designs of extended power, if not sovereignty, over the former Soviet states. The Chinese probably do in respect of much of the South China Sea. As far as I'm aware, India and Pakistani terratorial ambitions are restricted to bordering chunks of each other. And as already implied, Kim Jong-un is a complete headcase that can't be relied upon to be rationally 'deterred' anyway.

The latter apart, possibly, there isn't the slightest bit of evidence any of them have any intention to threaten or use nukes in search of 'greater glory' - whatever that means. Certainly no more evidence, in most of the world's eyes, than the US doing it. As far as the UK is concerned, I'm about as worried about the ambitions for 'greater glory' of that lot as I am about an invasion from Mars.

Talking of which ..... Alien base on the Moon?

I rest my case. Unless it should turn out to be Kim Jong-un's secret vacation retreat, anyway. [;)] Of course, if anyone should now argue we should keep nuclear weapons with the additional requirement for lunar capable launchers I would have to concede the point. [:D]

I absolutely agree Hertston.

There is either no threat or a threat which would be deterred...but I do not believe the latter is present - at least against the UK. I do not believe for a split second that China, North Korea, Pakistan or India would have any intentions to launch a nuclear strike against the UK. If one was to head this way (and really?) then I believe it would be a rogue launch. We have a far greater need for a regular force than we do a "what if" force.

Dirty bombs? Yes. More terrorism? Yes. A nuclear strike? Nope. Neither of the first two instances would be deterred by Britain's Nuclear deterrent - which massively sucks funds from other very, very needy sources.

Boomer78 -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/19/2014 7:50:06 PM)

Look up 'allodial title' and you'll have your answer. Proof of ownership, land title, and contract law in the western world, it all stems from property 'held by the crown'. In other words, fee simple rule of law set down in the post-Roman 'land is property, property is rights' concept long debated by the likes of Plato, Jefferson, Mill, and Voltaire.

The English crown has ruled with a velvet glove far better than it ever did with an iron fist. What is seen and what is perceived to be seen are often far different things.

Commonwealth? Pffft... the queen's common wealth, maybe. That is a large purse to fill, after all.

Joe D. -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/19/2014 9:59:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Boomer78

... 'God Save the Queen' had one good thing going for it... it was a song written by the Sex Pistols.

I'll be right there with Johnny Rotten... taking a dump in her crown.

I just watched a segment of the "Final 24" that examines the last 24 hours of some celebs, in this case the late Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols.

I had thought he later died out of guilt from a failed double-suicide with his groupie girlfriend, but apparently his mom -- who was also a heroin addict and who would often do drugs with her son -- fessed up on her deathbed that she administered a fatal heroin overdose to Sid who was still under suspicion of murder -- as his girlfriend was slashed to death with Sid's own knife -- and was headed back to jail until his trial.

Apparently his mom thought he couldn't handle it and took matters into her own maternal hands.

In a word, "horrific".

warspite1 -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/19/2014 10:20:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: Boomer78

Look up 'allodial title' and you'll have your answer. Proof of ownership, land title, and contract law in the western world, it all stems from property 'held by the crown'. In other words, fee simple rule of law set down in the post-Roman 'land is property, property is rights' concept long debated by the likes of Plato, Jefferson, Mill, and Voltaire.

The English crown has ruled with a velvet glove far better than it ever did with an iron fist. What is seen and what is perceived to be seen are often far different things.

Commonwealth? Pffft... the queen's common wealth, maybe. That is a large purse to fill, after all.

Nah I won't bother if its all the same - I'll just continue supporting our Queen and leave you to vomit red, white and blue while taking a dump in a crown should the need arise.

nate25 -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/19/2014 10:51:13 PM)

This admin's treatment of our closest allies has been abominable - most notably the U.K. and Israel.

I'm very proud to be an American - but that pride level has slid just a bit since 2009.

I'm not worried, we're waking up.

Joe D. -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/20/2014 11:05:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: nate25

This admin's treatment of our closest allies has been abominable - most notably the U.K. and Israel.

I'm very proud to be an American - but that pride level has slid just a bit since 2009.

I'm not worried, we're waking up.

Does anyone recall when this admin "treated" the English to a set of incompatible video tapes in exchange for the crown's inauguration gift of priceless antiques?

If we're just waking up now, it's already too late.

Chickenboy -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/20/2014 3:45:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Why? What is showing a bit of respect for a great lady that deserves it got to do with the British Government?

I don't share some of the more vulgar protestations against the British government that have been expressed above.

However, there is something uniquely affrontery about bowing before "royalty" (from anywhere) as an American. It's anathema to our roots and I find it appalling. The proper etiquette (for the political handlers) is to never be in a position to bow to anyone else unless the bow is reciprocated (e.g., an "equal" bow to the Japanese PM as a sign of mutual respect). As royalty are unlikely to reciprocate a bow amongst equals, then as an American head of state, you cannot demonstrate subservience before that audience.

Same goes for the much publicized visit to the house of Saud early in the 2008 presidential administration. You don't bow in the same way a subject does. You don't put yourself in that position. The 'handlers' should know better and avoid all occasions that would require such an act.

I guess that's my take.

But none of this English-bashing has anything to do with the OP.

Here's my summary take on that: You can pay for your defense with blood. You can pay for it in treasure. You can pay for it with global influence. But it must be paid for. If you are unwilling to have a large conscript army and choose smaller, high tech approach-you've chosen treasure payments > blood. If you choose to retreat from the world stage, you're sacrificing global influence foremost. But don't kid yourself about your global influence.

Those that starve their defenses, cut troop sizes and think that they can 'buy' global influence via the UN? They're sadly mistaken. They will have none of these influences before long. I see Canada, most of Europe and some countries in SE Asia in this boat. Possibly Japan and New Zealand too. Potential opponents really don't give a rip about their point of view, because they're incapable of exerting their political will through military efforts.

TulliusDetritus -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/20/2014 4:25:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

I don't share some of the more vulgar protestations against the British government that have been expressed above.

However, there is something uniquely affrontery about bowing before "royalty" (from anywhere) as an American. It's anathema to our roots and I find it appalling. The proper etiquette (for the political handlers) is to never be in a position to bow to anyone else unless the bow is reciprocated (e.g., an "equal" bow to the Japanese PM as a sign of mutual respect). As royalty are unlikely to reciprocate a bow amongst equals, then as an American head of state, you cannot demonstrate subservience before that audience.

Same goes for the much publicized visit to the house of Saud early in the 2008 presidential administration. You don't bow in the same way a subject does. You don't put yourself in that position. The 'handlers' should know better and avoid all occasions that would require such an act.


Erik Rutins -> RE: No longer an asset.. (1/20/2014 4:39:34 PM)

No politics please. Thread locked.

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