David boutwell -> (3/11/2001 10:05:00 AM)
Originally posted by Panzerjaeger Hortlund:
27 yrs old, married with kids (well..really just one, but since he's only 3 months, the workload is the equivalent of at least 3 kids, I promise [img]http://www.matrixgames.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
Started out with SL when I was 9 or 10, but we never did understand that rulebook so we made up our own rules. Proved to give some *really* interesting situations.
Just to mention a few examples:
prisoners were not prisoners but unarmed commandos that would have to ambush and steal the guns of other units.
the MA of any tank or gun(for example 75L)was not the caliber, but the range the gun could fire in hexes. Believe me when I say that those 280mm Nebelwerfers were real killers.
Each squad had the number of men depicted on the counter. Made stacking pretty exciting.
The typical battle was fought using every avaliable map and every avaliable counter.
The target accusition (how DO you spell that word) counters were mines, with each counter representing one mine.
Broken = dead, so we would have the battlefield littered with corpses.
Damn we had fun in those days. I just wish I had a photo or something of one of our battlefields.
Try to imagine one of our infamous river crossings, where each rubber raft carried something like 20 counters (they had something like 40pp, and since each squad only were 2 men...
Sorry about the previous quote with no reply! I was laughing so hard I forgot what I was doing. That is the funniest post I've ever read in here! What made it so funny is the fact that I could relate to everything you said!! I can remember being given SL by a kid who didn't know how the heck to play it...the rules were to complicated for me too, so I just tried to interpret what all of the values were. Most of my interpretations were probably wrong, but I'd made up so many rules for 1/76th scale battles that I had a primitive idea about probability tables, etc.
Took me forever to figure out the to hit tables!
Dave Boutwell