navwarcol -> RE: Sprint-and-Drift? (1/27/2014 10:59:54 PM)
It is probably, as with anything, a matter that changes depending upon the situation. In other words there is not a set formula (for anything involving warfare). What I **usually** do is just use one ASW ship along the PIM of the HVU, say an average of 15-20nm in front. To determine the distance though, you want to get an idea, maybe from the database, or the scenario description, of the expected submarine threat. You want to get an idea of its speed, its weapons, and their ranges. If it is a typical submarine (by this I mean, armed with only torpedoes) then you look next at its speed. If it is a diesel, then it is not going to have the legs to chase you, it is going to only get a shot at the HVU, if it basically sits in its path and waits for it to go by. If it is a nuke boat, it may chase, but usually in doing so,it will give up its position, even without a "sprint-and-drift" on your part. Then looking at its weapons, most torpedoes will only be able to be fired from relatively short ranges. if that is the case, you only need to sanitize a relatively narrow lane in front of the HVU, realizing that if the torp has , say, a 2nm range that it is likely to be fired from, and the boat is a diesel, say its creeping speed is 3 knots (both numbers just random here for the example)... if your HVU is moving at 12 kts, and you are 12nm in front of it, then you probably would want to clear the approximate width (on both sides of the 'path' ) of the sub+weapon range =1 hour (roughly 5nm then, on each side... 3kts+2nm range) This is a VERY simplistic way of doing it, but you get the idea. Note that if there is a chance the subs are armed with SSMs, then it opens up a "whole new can of worms" where you need to add more assets and search more area. SSMs also count as AAW threats (once launched) so you also then would want some AAW shooters in the game.