Casinn -> RE: UAV's (1/30/2014 5:14:59 AM)
Looks like Global Hawk was just partially tested in 2012 (formation flying, no fuel transfer) then dropped. Navy's UCAS-D is still working on the idea though The Navy UCAS program will develop and demonstrate a CV suitable unmanned air system in support of persistent, penetrating surveillance, and penetrating strike capability in high threat areas. The Navy UCAS program has evolved technologies required to conduct Launch, Recovery, and Carrier Controlled Airspace (CCA) operations . In FY13, the Navy completed the UCAS-D CV demonstration objectives. During three at-sea periods over an eight month period, the X-47B conducted a total of sixteen precision approaches to the carrier flight deck, including five planned texts of X-47B wave-off functions, nine touch-and-go landings, two arrested landings and three catapult launches. In FY14, the Navy UCAS program plans to conduct its air-to-air refueling (AAR) demonstration.