WarHunter -> RE: Warhunter's Renamed Land Units Mod (2/2/2014 5:49:42 PM)
ORIGINAL: Shellshock quote:
ORIGINAL: 76mm um, what does it rename them as? Why rename them? Basically it names the corps/armies after prominent corps/army commanders in the war. So, instead of numbered units, you'll have units named Weichs or Reichenau or Bayerlein as Germany, and Kirponos or Golikov, or Sharapov as Russia. Some may find it unrealistic as none of these units ever had the same commander for long, but it works for me as I find units on the map a lot easier to find with a name than a number. And even the numbered units are a bit of an abstraction. After all, the Barbarossa scenario starts with the DAK in Poland. I'm glad you find it worthwhile to play as a mod to the game. Any name you are not happy with, you can always change. [:D]