trismidt -> [NO REPRO B520] Operation Brass Drum Freeze (2/6/2014 3:31:00 AM)
All, I have had significant problems with Operation Brass Drum. When playing through the scenario at about the 14 hours to go point it froze and despite reloading it always froze at the same point. I updated my version of Command and restarted the scenario from the beginning. Now in this play through at about the 16 hours, 30 min to go point it freezes. Despite reloading it always freezes at the same point. I opened the editor and dropped several of my AC and all my sonobuoys but it still freezes. At the point in the scenario I am not doing anything very complicated there are no attacks going on. I did drop a lot of my AC missions but it still freezes. Frustrated, it was going well until it totally failed. V/R Trismidt I do not know how to attach the saved game to this post so if you could PM me I will attach it.