oldspec4 -> Some Quick Observations.. (2/8/2014 1:18:38 AM)
Playing the "Struggle for the Heartland" as Confederates. Early March 1862, turn 2.
Many General duplications:
WHF Lee shown under both The Army of the Mississippi and the '62 Division Generals' pool. Edward P. Alexander under both Joe Johnson's Reserve Artillery and the '62 Generals' pool. J. Mouton under both the Army of the West and the '62 Divisional Generals. William Taliaferro under both Jackson's Corps and the '62 General's pool.
I'm probably missing something here but don't understand why Jackson's Corp (a Corps at game start) is described as Jackson's Division. The unit is pulsating red and seems to be a corps under Johnson.
Same for Longstreet. I created a Corps on Turn 2 and still shows as Longstreet's Division. Shouldn't this now show as a Corps number or Longstreet's Corps?
Ol Choctaw -> RE: Some Quick Observations.. (2/8/2014 6:15:07 AM)
It has to do with what the stack was named and the way you formed the Corps.
Stacks tend to retain their names, particularly if no units are moved in or out.
If this bothers you, you can try the following. Remove Longstreet from the stack, activate him as a corps commander, then move the stack to Longstreet, not Longstreet to the stack.
oldspec4 -> RE: Some Quick Observations.. (2/8/2014 7:42:15 AM)
Thanks for the tip...been away from the game and forgot how to arrange the stack names.