StellarRat -> Three BADLY needed unit commands. (2/10/2014 4:10:57 PM)
Just bought the game and it's really good, but a few commands are needed to make it less frustrating. 1. A command to tell a former to auto build a road from point A to point B. As far as I can tell right now every road tile has to be "manually" built by the player. If there is already a way to do this please tell me how. 2. An "escort" command. I'm tired of my formers and colonizers getting killed because their military units didn't stick with them. You should able to assign a military unit to the former or colonizer stack and the whole group should stick together even if it has to move slower. 3. An explore command that moves units around the map to just survey the terrain while avoiding danger. All of these commands have been part of Civilization for a long time and they're hard to live without. Also is there a place where there is a complete manual? The one in the game tells you just about nothing about game mechanics. It's hard to understand exactly what some your improvements do, how certain units work, how things are calculated, etc...