JeffroK -> RE: Da Zygotes Fodder (2/14/2014 9:36:12 PM)
ORIGINAL: dwg Ooh, snaffle. All fodder for my general OOB notes, though I'm not sure I'll try representing '27 Australian Pigeon Loft' in game ;_) Edited to add there's some fascinating detail buried in the individual unit links - 1 Australian Farm Company, for instance, has a discussion of the difficulty in keeping troops healthy when the nearest fresh fruit and veg is a 5 day train journey and 4 days in the back of a truck away. Not necessarily relevant to WITP, but fascinating if you have a wider interest in the campaign. There is even more of this detail in the war diaries of the units, especially in the setting up of a military force of 20,000+ in an area where only 2-3000 people live and 4000km from the next major base.