OnTheContrary -> Wine - MCI initialization error (2/16/2014 9:15:17 PM)
Hi, I am attempting to get this beast of a wargame to run under Wine on OS X with no luck. I know this is an unsupported way of running it but there were people reporting they ran the game just fine under Wine in Linux. Well, tough luck here. When the game starts I immediately get a 'MCI initialization error' and the game just gives me the silver window without any content. Looking at the logs it seems the culprit is the intro video, with Wine being unable to play it. Unfortunately installation of Windows Media Player 9/10 fails, stating that Windows Media Player 7 is required. At this point I have probably tried all reasonable basic tweaks via Winetricks, installing DirectX 9/10, codecs, whatever. But apparently without Windows Media Player this will still fail. Anyone got any idea how to work around this (or install Windows Media Player)?