How many copies of UV have been sold? (Full Version)

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Bax -> How many copies of UV have been sold? (2/1/2003 5:21:46 AM)

Just wondering how big our little wargaming community actually is. :)

Raverdave -> (2/1/2003 5:46:10 AM)

I think that this is a secret, but I would make a guess at 10,000.

Snigbert -> (2/1/2003 7:36:36 AM)

I'd be surprised if it were 10,000.
My guess is 3,000-5,000

mbatch729 -> More than expected! (2/1/2003 9:22:50 AM)

Given the fact that Matrix ran out of stock and had several additional production runs, more than they expected. That said, the exact sales figures have been a closely guarded Matrix secret. The code-breakers haven't been able to provide that info yet...

CBase -> (2/1/2003 10:04:16 AM)

Perhaps the most important question is "Have enough copies of Uncommon Valor been sold to have made this a worthwhile effort on the part of Matrix?".

XPav -> (2/1/2003 10:10:31 AM)

Sales figures are always secret.

They also can be spun in various ways.

For mail-order shops, sure, its easy, but the moment you send out stock to put on store shelves, things become complicated.

Oleg Mastruko -> (2/1/2003 10:49:13 AM)

My bet would be 15-20.000.

But it's not over yet.

I'd say, considering they went into new sales channels recently, around 30-35.000 copies could be sold by the end of this year.

I hope I am not overly optimistic :)


bradfordkay -> (2/1/2003 10:52:37 AM)

The big question is: has UV sold well enough to justify the production of the Med Theatre version?

Yeah, I know... I'm greedy

pasternakski -> (2/1/2003 11:20:30 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by bradfordkay
[B]The big question is: has UV sold well enough to justify the production of the Med Theatre version?

Yeah, I know... I'm greedy [/B][/QUOTE]

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger...

jrcar -> (2/1/2003 12:20:26 PM)

Look at the downloads page to get an idea of active purchases:
Patch 1.10 is 6000 downloads
1.11 is 4000
1.2 3000
1.3 3500
1.4 2800
2.0 9000
2.1 5600
2.11 3900
2.2 3500

So at least 9000, with an active download community of about 4000. Maybe double it at most for purchases who have bought it from shops and don't update it.

so 10000-18000 is a good range, say 15000.



derwho -> (2/1/2003 5:30:27 PM)

[QUOTE]Look at the downloads page to get an idea of active purchases:[/QUOTE]

Updates performed with True Update wouldn't show there would they?

jrcar -> (2/1/2003 5:32:49 PM)

Good question, I assume so.

mbatch729 -> True updates (2/2/2003 4:16:20 AM)

No, the True Update numbers don't show up in the download counts. Somebody from Matrix put that info out last fall.

jrcar -> (2/2/2003 5:03:52 AM)

In that case Matrix must be very happy with the sales with somewhere between 20000-30000. 10000 within a year is a minimum, but then they have to cut the profit with 2x3 as well.

This is good, it means they will survive and hopefully prosper!



TIMJOT -> (2/2/2003 8:16:55 AM)

A few weeks ago my local compusa had 6 copies of "UV". Today they have none. Still plenty of "Hearts of Iron" though if that means anything

derwho -> (2/2/2003 5:07:58 PM)

All credit to Paradox for a few quite good games but Hearts Of Iron sucks.

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