Skanvak -> RE: Human wave failed attempt #9 (2/26/2014 7:28:16 AM)
I am happy to see that other people feel the same about the campaign. I think this is a difficult issue because, for one, I like to play without bonus to either side (I like toplay true to the rules). But it is true that on hard, the difficulty is high. It look like a puzzle game. Though I love the idea of experience with some core unit, I do find frustating to have to play the scenario again and again. With experience, the campaign could have been more dinamyc (like the panzer general campaign). About the machine gun, I find that as long it does not fire, it does interdict, but once fired, it is a bit gamey to pass near it. Whereas the slayer card is overpowerful, making a single guys with its submachinegun stronger than a MG42 squad. But from RO2 expérience, you cannot keep firing your machinegun all the time. At some point you need to recharge and that takes times. But as said the problem is the difference between the Slayer abilities and the MG42 one shot only abilty. And yes, Heroes are a bit too strong and come back too often! The idea of heroes is nice but they should be limited in absolute (ie you can have 2 heroes in a scenario, if one die you cannot get it back) because a heroes is stronger than a squad, so this is a random factor than unbalanced scenario with lots of units (and make me feel like playing WH40K).