2.0 Can't Start RS (Full Version)

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junk2drive -> 2.0 Can't Start RS (2/25/2014 11:38:39 PM)

I don't know what I did. In my attempts to get JSGME working (turned out to be my folder mistake) I switched user from my login with admin rights to admin which usually fixes some stubbornness on the part of windows. Sometimes once you start something in admin, it will work with other users. Anyway...

If I try to launch RS from any shortcut or the exe, I get this error popup

2014-02-25 17:24:10 rising sun.exe [ERROR ID 102] (misc.cpp, line 1450, logit())
frontend.log file open error

If I right click the exe and select run as admin the game starts. I restarted windows and no change.

Crossroads -> RE: 2.0 Can't Start RS (2/26/2014 7:01:30 AM)

Hi junkie,

This rings a bell. What OS are you on? I had the strangest behavior with 8.0 and 8.1, as I had set some EF exes to run under XP combatibility mode. Then, when I ensured none of the exes had any specific settings set up in their properties I got rid of the issues.

Before realising this was the cause, I was quite mystified for quite a while why out of all exes I cannot launch EF Map Editor nor EF Scenario Editor via EF Front End, while everything else worked.

You gotta love Windows...


ORIGINAL: Crossroads


ORIGINAL: Crossroads

One thing I don't understand that well at all are the security features of W8. When launching EF Scenario Editor or Map Editor from desktop (the only way I can launch them) I get the Sysadm prompt asking is it ok to run the app. I need to check is this EF only and does this explain the front end launch issues I have.

Bingo! [X(]

At some point I had set the EF Scenario Editor and EF Map Editor to run on Windows XP compatibility mode, and also had Disable display scaling on high DPI settings was ON, set it OFF too.

In other words, now as the exes run as-is, they seem to work just fine.

junk2drive -> RE: 2.0 Can't Start RS (2/26/2014 11:54:14 PM)

I properties, under compatibility I checked the box Run as admin. Had to start the game twice to get it to take. FYI

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