Your Favorite March? (Full Version)

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AbsntMndedProf -> Your Favorite March? (2/2/2003 9:43:20 AM)

For me, its a toss-up between the 'Aces High' march from the Battle of Britain, and John Phillip Sousa's 'Thunderer'.

Eric Maietta

rockymtndoc -> (2/2/2003 10:19:37 PM)

Anything by Sousa, but Under the Eagle!

Maliki -> (2/3/2003 10:34:17 AM)

Stars and Stripes forever by Sousa.
Theres a panzer march in East Front II that i have no idea what it is.It starts out with some guy in an almost high-pitched voice,then it goes to a chorus and the sound of marching feet.Everytime i hear that it makes me want to crush those communist dogs,even more:D

Raverdave -> (2/3/2003 4:51:34 PM)

It's not really a march, but "Cock of the North" has to be one of the BEST pieces even writen for a pipe band.

Noodleboy -> Men Of Harlech (2/4/2003 11:23:16 PM)

Regimental March of the Royal Regiment of Wales (24/41 Foot) -Unforgettable.

Marek Tucan -> (2/5/2003 3:08:04 PM)

Radetzky March by Strauss

jasim -> das Panzerlied (2/6/2003 9:09:22 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Maliki
[B]Stars and Stripes forever by Sousa.
Theres a panzer march in East Front II that i have no idea what it is.It starts out with some guy in an almost high-pitched voice,then it goes to a chorus and the sound of marching feet.Everytime i hear that it makes me want to crush those communist dogs,even more:D [/B][/QUOTE]

The song from EFII is das Panzerlied. The version in the game is lifted straight from the film "The Battle of the Bulge", complete with the explosions from the soundtrack. You can almost see Robert Shaw staring horrified as the fuel drum rolls down the hill into his Pershing, uh Tiger tank. They only sing the first verse and then repeat it, but there are 5 verses. It actually is, as you say, quite a stirring song:

Das Panzerlied

Ob's stürmt oder schneit,
Ob die Sonne uns lacht,
Der Tag glühend heiß
Oder finster die Nacht.
Bestaubt sind die Gesichter,
Doch froh ist unser Sinn,
Ja unser Sinn;
Es braust unser Panzer
Im Sturmwind dahin.

2.Mit donnernden Motoren,
So schnell wie der Blitz,
Dem Feinde entgegen,
Im Panzer geschützt.
Voraus den Kameraden
Im Kampfe ganz allein,
Steh'n wir allein.
So stoßen wir tief
In die feindlichen Reihn

3.Wenn vor uns ein feindlicher
Panzer erscheint,
Dann Vollgas gegeben
Und ran an den Feind!
Was gilt denn unser Leben
Für unsers Reiches Heer,
Ja Reiches Heer?
Für Deutschland zu sterben
Ist uns höchste Ehr.

4. Mit Sperren und Tanks
Hält der Gegner uns auf,
Wir lachen darüber
Und fahren nicht drauf.
Und droh'n vor uns Geschütze,
Versteckt im gelben Sand,
Im gelben Sand,
Wir suchen uns Wege,
Die keiner sonst fand.

5.Und läßt uns im Stich
Einst das treulose Glück,
Und kehren wir nicht mehr
Zur Heimat zurück,
Trifft uns die Todeskugel,
Ruft uns das Schicksal ab,
Ja Schicksal ab,
Dann ist unser Panzer
Ein ehernes Grab.

The Panzer Song

roughly translated:

no matter whether it is stormy or snowing
or the sun is smiling on us,
whether it is brilliant day
or gloomy night,
our faces may be covered with dust
nevertheless our spirits are high [morale 8 or so],
you bet they are;
our armor roars
in the midst of the storm.

With thundering motors,
as quick as lightning
against the enemy
protected by armor.
Ahead of our comrades
all alone in the struggle
We stand alone.
In this way we strike deep
Into the enemy ranks.

when before us appears
an enemy tank,
then we step on the gas
and ram the bastard.
What really is the value of our life
for our empire’s army?
To die for Germany
Is for us the highest honor.

When the enemy tries to stop us
with IPs and with tanks,
We just smile
And go around them.
And when he threatens us with AT guns
Hidden in the yellow sand,
we look for ways and means
That no one has ever used before.

And should treacherous luck
finally leave us in the lurch,
And should we no longer
Return to our hometowns,
If the fatal bullet finds us,
If our fate calls us away,
then our armor will serve as
An honorable grave

Maliki -> (2/6/2003 3:03:50 PM)

Thanks for the info:)

Oh god i'm having flasbacks now..NO..NO...BOMB THE TANKS...NOT THE EMPTY TRUCKS:eek:

Frank W. -> (2/9/2003 4:22:25 AM)

alte kameraden

Nixuebrig -> (2/11/2003 11:29:40 AM)

St.Cyr, i like the bombastic drums:D

Recon_slith -> (2/11/2003 4:18:20 PM)

For me it's the Marche Consulaire - better known as the tune played at the last attack of the Imperial Guard in the film Waterloo. Stirring.

If it isn't included when you commit the French Guard in the Empires in Arms game I shall be massively dissapointed. :(

troopie -> (2/19/2003 1:28:54 PM)

To march to: 'Colonel Bogey March'

To watch: "When the Saints go Marching In" with the RLI marching.


Nyrkki -> (2/19/2003 3:25:35 PM)

"Porilaisten Marssi" (The March of the Soldiers of Pori): The hononary and victory march of the finnish armed forces.

Our boys, members of the heroic people, Which gave their blood at the battlefields of Poland, Lütz, Leipzig and Narva, Still Finland has its forces, And one can cover the grounds of the land with the blood of the enemies. Away, away is left the peaceful work, The sword is flaming fire And the bullet is whistling by. Come together, The spirits of our heroic fathers are greeting us. Oh so beautiful is this memory of our heroes, Only the death can beat us. Foreward bravely, We shall not sell our glory None of your sons. Oh so beautiful is this memory of our heroes, Only the death can beat us. Foreward bravely, We shall not sell our glory None of your sons. So high-up stands the battleflag From victory to victory It shall lead us. Foreward now all, the battle begins Finland you shall have the new heroes. So high-up stands the battleflag From victory to victory It shall lead us. Foreward now all, the battle begins Finland you shall have the new heroes.

Lyric in English by Juha Niemelä

troopie -> (2/20/2003 8:37:55 AM)

A lot of those marches are available in mp3 form at I especially like the Maoist march, "Go Ahead". It's a fine example of faux Sousa. They take submissions so if you have any, send them.


Raindog101 -> (2/20/2003 4:36:34 PM)

"Garry Owen!"

Drex -> (2/23/2003 4:55:06 AM)

My favorite is "Epic March" by John Ireland. Written for the Brits to help them through the dark days of WWII, has got to be the most stirring music ever written. It s more a concert piece than a military march.

rockymtndoc -> (2/24/2003 11:23:04 PM)

"Black Bear", although it's not really a march. Otherwise, JP Sousa in just about anything.

sprior -> (2/26/2003 1:31:18 AM)

Hearts of oak

Come cheer up, my lads, 'tis to glory we steer,

To add something more to this wonderful year,

To honour we call you, not press you like slaves,

For who are so free as the sons of the waves?

Heart of oak are our ships,

Jolly tars are our men,

We always are ready,

Steady, boys, steady,

We'll fight and we'll conquer again and again.

We ne'er see our foes but we will them to stay,

They never see us but they will use away,

If they run, why we follow, and run them ashore,

And if they won't fight us, we cannot do more.

Heart of oak are our ships,

Jolly tars are our men,

We always are ready,

Steady, boys, steady,

We'll fight and we'll conquer again and again.

They swear they'll invade us, these terrible foes,

They frighten our women, our children and beaus,

But should their flat bottoms in darkness get o'er,

Still Britons they'll find to receive them on shore.

Heart of oak are our ships,

Jolly tars are our men,

We always are ready,

Steady, boys, steady,

We'll fight and we'll conquer again and again.

demonterico -> (2/26/2003 12:16:03 PM)

Oh my god I love John Philip Sousa.

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