AxelNL -> RE: question concerning naval transport (3/1/2014 11:20:04 AM)
ORIGINAL: Zartacla As I mentioned above, I've seen this in the latest patch as well. Moving port to port, the cargo stays organized but says that it has already moved this turn and thus, can't be moved again from its final port. I don't have a save file at the moment but if I play any this weekend I'll try to watch for it. I just navalmoved a French Corps from the Levant to Marseille (port to port) in a brand new GW scenario in Beta release, and it can be railed and moved away in the same combined impulse. I will let it stay in Marseille to try it out in the next impulse, but if this was a bug, the supply code must have an influence here - as that is the only thing Steve touched in this Beta. Are we sure it was not caused by something else? Was it already disorganizes or maybe it started at sea while you thought it started in a port? In the Hanko case - is there a war with Finland? Hanko normally becomes Russian after declaring peace. When Barbarossa starts, Hanko is the first Russian hex I will take back with the Finnish. Zartacla - when you see this again, can you post a screenshot of the message, please. I have never seen such a message. In your case I would think it can be only supply related. HeroOfBavaria - my peers react a bit stressy as we had a stressy week after the 1.1.5 release. Normally we are much more gentle. We need a bit more info on this one to be able to help.