Some dog... (Full Version)

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GaryChildress -> Some dog... (3/5/2014 1:38:05 AM)

I was out mowing the grass one day. It was a day or two after the last hurricane of 2004 had come through Central Florida. I turned around for a moment, can't remember exactly why. As I turned around a medium sized yellowish brown dog threw himself up on me and started whimpering and whining. I brought him around to the front of the house and gave him a piece of baloney. He gobbled it up. I went around to all the neighbors' houses and asked if they had any idea who's dog he was. No one had a clue. One neighbor said he had seen the dog around the neighborhood before in the company of a large black dog of some unknown breed. We posted a sign in the neighborhood to see if anyone would claim him. No one did.

That was how "Friendly" an I first met. He is the most wonderful dog I've ever owned. He is a true joy and a great companion, always faithful. As far as I can tell he has some yellow Labrador in him, but I'm not sure what else. When you take him for a walk he doesn't walk, he prances along with his head held high and a brisk step. You would think he was a show dog. He likes to bark at whatever he hears outside at night like a faithful watch dog should. When we first got him we didn't even need to house train him. It was almost as though he knew what he was supposed to do. He absolutely loves to play ball and will not quit so long as you play with him. If his ball rolls behind a plant stand or some delicate object he instinctively seems to know that he has to be careful not to knock anything over. So he'll sit there and wait for you to get his ball from behind the object, even though it may be in plain sight right in front of him. He could easily knock the stand right over but he won't. As excited as he is to play, he is as gentle as any dog I've ever seen.

Well...last week he developed a bump on his head just above his left eye. It's grown considerably in the last few days. My folks took him to the vet today so the vet could examine him. He opened up the bump and apparently it looks like cancer. The results haven't come back yet as it was only today, but I fear the worst. I can hear him downstairs now whimpering from the cut and stitches on his head. He's a very sensitive dog. He's very sensitive to pain and doesn't like loud noises like thunder and fireworks. Maybe has something to do with whatever happened in his life before I found him.

It's amazing how much a human being can become attached to an animal and how devoted an animal can be to a human being. He's been a center of attention for the family for almost 10 years now, just like a kid, a bouncing, frolicking bundle of joy. You couldn't ask for a better companion or an animal with a bigger heart. I sure hope it isn't cancer. I hope Friendly has a little more life in him to go yet. [:(]

aaatoysandmore -> RE: Some dog... (3/5/2014 1:54:24 AM)

I feel your pain Gary. I lost 7 dogs in one year. My first year of highschool. My mother ran over my first yard dog, the little terrier died a few days later from what they said was grieving over the other dog. One small bird dog broke his leg and died 3 days afterwards because it wouldn't stop jumping. Another bird dog got cancer of the breast and I found it in its doghouse one day with the stitches all busted up and her lying there all open wide. Then we had 3 poodles that stayed inside and all 3 of them came up with distemper. Horrible way for an animal to die. I certainly hope everything turns out well for you and your dog. After that year I could never again own a pet. It's just too hard on the heart and soul when one of them passes. When 7 pass in less than a year you can imagine the hit I took.

rickier65 -> RE: Some dog... (3/5/2014 2:48:14 AM)

Wonderful story. I hope it works out for Friendly.


Yogi the Great -> RE: Some dog... (3/5/2014 11:59:09 AM)

The picture was Elton. He was like the saying goes my best friend. Elton has been gone now for over 4 years but I can't bring myself to change the picture. Still think of him every day. Anyway I only post this to let you know that many people do understand what you are feeling. The loss of a pet can be just like losing a family member. I hope all goes well for you and Friendly.

warspite1 -> RE: Some dog... (3/5/2014 12:04:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: Yogi the Great

The picture was Elton. He was like the saying goes my best friend. Elton has been gone now for over 4 years but I can't bring myself to change the picture. Still think of him every day. Anyway I only post this to let you know that many people do understand what you are feeling. The loss of a pet can be just like losing a family member. I hope all goes well for you and Friendly.


vonRocko -> RE: Some dog... (3/5/2014 1:13:31 PM)

Losing a family pet is very hard, I know. But I urge grieving owners to consider getting another one. There are so many cats and dogs in need of a thoughtful responsible owner. Live for the moment. Do not dwell on the fact that you will probably outlive the pet. Enjoy them every day. They need someone. [:)]
Good luck.

Fred Sanford -> RE: Some dog... (3/5/2014 4:15:32 PM)

Best wishes to Friendly and the rest of your family. He's lucky to live in a loving environment, and I'm sure he knows he's loved.

Titanwarrior89 -> RE: Some dog... (3/5/2014 4:23:30 PM)

I think some Pets(for me its a set of dogs(Josh&Nate)are good for the Soul.[;)] Josh has gone on(11yrs) and Nate still with me today. Josh(Gordon Setter) was named after Gen Chamberland and Nate(Aussey Shepard) Was named after Nathan Beford Forrest. I hope things turn out for you and your Buddy.[&o]

ORIGINAL: Gary Childress

I was out mowing the grass one day. It was a day or two after the last hurricane of 2004 had come through Central Florida. I turned around for a moment, can't remember exactly why. As I turned around a medium sized yellowish brown dog threw himself up on me and started whimpering and whining. I brought him around to the front of the house and gave him a piece of baloney. He gobbled it up. I went around to all the neighbors' houses and asked if they had any idea who's dog he was. No one had a clue. One neighbor said he had seen the dog around the neighborhood before in the company of a large black dog of some unknown breed. We posted a sign in the neighborhood to see if anyone would claim him. No one did.

That was how "Friendly" an I first met. He is the most wonderful dog I've ever owned. He is a true joy and a great companion, always faithful. As far as I can tell he has some yellow Labrador in him, but I'm not sure what else. When you take him for a walk he doesn't walk, he prances along with his head held high and a brisk step. You would think he was a show dog. He likes to bark at whatever he hears outside at night like a faithful watch dog should. When we first got him we didn't even need to house train him. It was almost as though he knew what he was supposed to do. He absolutely loves to play ball and will not quit so long as you play with him. If his ball rolls behind a plant stand or some delicate object he instinctively seems to know that he has to be careful not to knock anything over. So he'll sit there and wait for you to get his ball from behind the object, even though it may be in plain sight right in front of him. He could easily knock the stand right over but he won't. As excited as he is to play, he is as gentle as any dog I've ever seen.

Well...last week he developed a bump on his head just above his left eye. It's grown considerably in the last few days. My folks took him to the vet today so the vet could examine him. He opened up the bump and apparently it looks like cancer. The results haven't come back yet as it was only today, but I fear the worst. I can hear him downstairs now whimpering from the cut and stitches on his head. He's a very sensitive dog. He's very sensitive to pain and doesn't like loud noises like thunder and fireworks. Maybe has something to do with whatever happened in his life before I found him.

It's amazing how much a human being can become attached to an animal and how devoted an animal can be to a human being. He's been a center of attention for the family for almost 10 years now, just like a kid, a bouncing, frolicking bundle of joy. You couldn't ask for a better companion or an animal with a bigger heart. I sure hope it isn't cancer. I hope Friendly has a little more life in him to go yet. [:(]


PunkReaper -> RE: Some dog... (3/5/2014 5:38:58 PM)

I didn't understand what owning a dog was like until recent years when I got my two dogs. They give so much love and they have helped me through some pretty dark days lately. I wish you and Friendly all the best..

Orm -> RE: Some dog... (3/5/2014 5:52:20 PM)

I hope all goes well for you and Friendly.

Thank you for sharing.

wings7 -> RE: Some dog... (3/5/2014 6:59:26 PM)

Gary, I hope everything turns out well for Friendly...thanks for sharing! [:)]


GaryChildress -> RE: Some dog... (3/6/2014 12:00:01 AM)

Thank you everyone for the kind words. The results haven't come back yet. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks for the advice vonRocko, you make an excellent point.

Here's a pic of Friendly. His eyes aren't normally blue. lol 


WarHunter -> RE: Some dog... (3/6/2014 4:45:27 PM)

Great dog story. Hope "Friendly" gets a clean bill of health. As a valued part of your family, I'm sure he is in good hands. Dogs are truly a gift to man.

I'd like to add an article about War dogs. Of the seven profiled, here is one of them. Check out the site for the other 6.



Sallie was a lady; she was a soldier too— She marched beside the colors, our own red white and blue. It was in the days of our civil war that she lived her life so true
Sallie was a brindle Staffordshire Bull Terrier (or Pit Bull Terrier – it is unclear) who served as the regimental mascot for the 11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. She was given to 1st Lt William R. Terry as when she was just 4 weeks of age. Sallie was raised with the men of the regiment and they were fond of her. She knew the specific drum roll announcing reveille. Sallie followed the men closely on marches and to the battlefield, always on the front lines. In a spring 1863 at a review of the Union army, Sallie marched along with “her” soldiers. Abraham Lincoln sat in the center of the reviewing stand and spotted the dog. He raised his famous hat in salute. At Gettysburg, Sallie became separated from the 11th in all of the chaos. Three days later they found Sallie guarding the bodies of the dead and wounded soldiers, herself unscathed. In 1865 at Hatcher’s Run Sallie was struck by a bullet to the head. She was killed instantly. She was buried on the battlefield while under heavy enemy fire. In 1890 the surviving veterans of the 11th Pennsylvania dedicated a monument on the Gettysburg battleground which contains a likeness of a sleeping Sallie.


jcjordan -> RE: Some dog... (3/6/2014 9:46:49 PM)

Hope all ends up well. My brother went through something as bad w/ his old dog. Colby was just getting old & brothers bedroom was upstairs & Colby just was too old to get up those stairs so my brother started sleeping on the couch w/ her. He unfortunately had to finally put her down when she had abcess in her jaw & vet said he could operate but not sure she would come out of it. [:(] I've got a couple of similar cat stories. I just wish more people would think of pets as family members rather than disposable trash.

cpdeyoung -> RE: Some dog... (3/7/2014 2:48:07 AM)


I too want to share my hopes that you and Friendly will have more time together, and I will second the advice about getting a new dog as soon as feels right. Dog people need dogs, and the same goes for cats.

My son in law had a Cocker Spaniel who lived to a very old age. When Buffy died Brad never got another, and I wish he would have.


Here's Molly, our Cocker, whose birthday is March 8th.


freeboy -> RE: Some dog... (3/7/2014 5:08:58 AM)

our dogs are our kids.. I lost my dad and for pets, three dogs and a cat.. in about 21 months...
Now we have a crazy Lab Husky that wants to rule the world. Some great dogs and some strange dogs, like my dalmation which put the blonde in the blonde jokes!
Hope all works out and that you have lots of pix for the days ahead.
My purebred lab is old now and my vet keeps telling me he is alive due to the little husky mix.... timex dog that as long as he is happy and not suffering we will keep feeding and loving. IE when he stops being in a good place we will put him down with love and tears.
My best dog was a lab Chow, super smart! named Hudson.... he died shortly after my lab.
I miss him still...
Worst dog, bit me and crushed my hand! still he was loved....

haikura -> RE: Some dog... (3/7/2014 9:21:09 AM)

really cool story! Dogs are so much part of the family. And i think most of them understand our talk much more than they show out... :)

barkman44 -> RE: Some dog... (3/7/2014 7:00:55 PM)

8 years ago I was out in the garage when I heard a sound coming from a box.I Lifted the already partially open lid
and there were 2 very young kittens in it,eye's not yet open.I left them alone thinking the mother would return.
The next morning my wife called me out to the garage and there they were attempting to crawl across the floor
their back legs not functioning properly yet.Well we already had 4 cat's so now we had 6.Went to the store and bought a couple
of toy baby bottles(couldn't find small enough real bottles)and boy did they go to town,probably not eaton for day's.
A friend of my wife's took the female and we named the male Frankie because of his blue eye's.
Well we were blessed by his presence for six months when he became really constipated and his abdomen began to swell.
I took him to the doctor and after an examination was told he had FIP(I am ashamed to say I thought to myself"what's this going to cost to fix".
Then he added"And it's fatal".Feline infectious peritonitis was the tech.term,and he had to be suffering immensely.
So unlike a human I was able to release him of his misery difficult as it was.
I will never forget the anguished wail my wife made when she asked upon my return"well"and I answered"Frankies dead".
He was as close to being a son as you can get.
Like a line from Mr.Bojangles(with a slight adjustment"After 7 year's he still greaves".

Erik Rutins -> RE: Some dog... (3/7/2014 8:22:00 PM)

Good luck to you and Friendly, Gary.

GaryChildress -> RE: Some dog... (3/8/2014 12:02:15 AM)

The results came back today and unfortunately it is cancer. He and I played ball this evening when I got home from work. You'd never know anything was wrong. He's just as full of energy and playful as ever. We're going to try to get him the best treatment we can. Poor guy. [:(]

rhondabrwn -> RE: Some dog... (3/8/2014 12:39:26 AM)

So sorry to hear the bad news Gary :(

I so hope it is treatable. Losing a doggy friend is one of the worst pains ever. A dog's love is forever, unlike that of humans which can be so fickle and changeable.

Hoping for the best!

CGGrognard -> RE: Some dog... (3/8/2014 12:40:20 AM)

Gary, sorry to hear that Friendly has cancer, but he definitely isn't a poor dog. For as long as you appreciate Friendly, give him the love and attention he deserves, his li going life, and yours will forever be rich in memories.

rhondabrwn -> RE: Some dog... (3/8/2014 12:42:17 AM)



Gary, sorry to hear that Friendly has cancer, but he definitely isn't a poor dog. For as long as you appreciate Friendly, give him the love and attention he deserves, his li going life, and yours will forever be rich in memories.

Well said... +1

Greybriar -> RE: Some dog... (3/8/2014 4:30:02 AM)

I'm terribly sorry to hear the news about Friendly. I know what it's like to be in your place and can only say try not to let it get you down.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Friendly.

Gilmer -> RE: Some dog... (3/8/2014 6:27:29 AM)

Sad to hear this. We lost Sixpack about 35 years ago. I wish I had a picture of him. He was a Springer Spaniel, rather a large one for his breed and very smart. He was hit by a car on a highway he had crossed more than 500 times.

I hope you get many many days with Friendly. I hope he comes through.

terje439 -> RE: Some dog... (3/8/2014 9:31:52 AM)

Sorry to hear that result. That is in some way the cruel duality of having pets, they are Family, and they give their love unconditionally, yet they are gone too soon.
I myself is a cat person, and have had 2 cats, both which got cancer when they were rather old (14 and 17). SAd as it was when I had to let go, I am still enriched and a better
person for having had them in my life.
I have my fingers crossed for You, Your Family and Friendly.


Titanwarrior89 -> RE: Some dog... (3/8/2014 1:19:06 PM)

Gary, I'am Sorry to hear the news I'll pray for you guys.

uncc -> RE: Some dog... (3/8/2014 9:52:16 PM)

Gary, best of luck to Friendly and your family. Its always hard when a beloved pet is ill. Just remember, he's already had a better, probably longer life because you took a moment and gave him a piece of baloney your heart.

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