RobearGWJ -> RE: Things we would like seen added to the game (3/11/2014 1:51:35 AM)
Wodin, you can't really run just one team repeatedly, since the horses and chariot and auriga don't recover fully between races. You may not notice it right away, but after four or five consecutive races, your one guy will be absolutely useless and in great danger of losing his life. You really have to switch out multiple teams and drivers and even chariots to keep everyone as fresh as possible. I'd love to see variant races, with one or two horse teams, and races longer than three laps, so that endurance comes into play in a bigger way (I don't think people would whip out of the start in a seven lap race, for example.) I'd also like to see a screen with competitive options - pay a spy to find out which Green driver will run in the next race, or pay someone to poison a horse or get a driver drunk the night before a race. Selling and trading teams would be interesting too; you could offer bids to a talented auriga, or maybe make an offer on an experienced horse. Great game, guys, this is a really well-crafted design. Don't break it to add every little thing.