Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (Full Version)

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zgxzz -> Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/10/2014 10:10:52 AM)

I am Chinese and my English may not very well.

I want to introuduce you some turn-based war games from the eastern world.Actually,Chinese,Chinese Taiwan,Japanese all made a lot of classical war games based on ancient war,world war1/2,Korean war and mordern war.I am a fan of war games and I’ve played almost at least 70 war games(Even the oldest classics war game"Operation Europe:Path to Victory 1939-45"which made by Japanese in 1994 size maybe only 2MB that I've played for a long time.) from different countries from Chinese to English Russion and Japanese. Have to say,there are many many classical and interesting war games from the eastern world that westerners may even never heared of.It is a pity may because of language or other reasons.Some guys here may thought that they’ve seen all the most interesting games already,since I can hardly find a war game that I've never played or heared of,I have to say,you really not.

I want to introduce some of them but there are a lot of good classical games based on ancient China which westerners may hard to understand due to the very different culture,and I am lazy to type many many words in English,so I only choose 3 games based on world war2,Korean war and modern war to say something.

But first I want to tell some background of ww2 in the battlefield of China.Japan began it's war of aggression to China in 1937 before the outbreak of ww2 .Due to the wepon gap and other reasons,China fighted very hard,even China should have large manpower of troops,but big industry centers and population cities such as Shanghai,Peking,Wuhan… are occupied during the war so China has not very much resources to fight against the Japnese at all,but even we have to sent many 15-16year old Children to the battle,even during some battles we sufferred high losses even the proportion of casualties reached 30Chinese sodiers die:1 Japanese solider die,even at that time that all of the countries of Asia except China have surrendered to Japan, China never thought of surrender like France. Over 4 million Chinese soldiers still fight against Japanese,also due to this reason,Japan dare not and can not to send another large forces to attack the USSR with Germany or to landing on the USA at the beginning of the Ww2 when the Allies were very weak at that time.Then China had an ally of the USA and UK,at last after 8 years hard fighting,we won.Today,China want to try to keep good friendship with her once ally,but it may not easy since some western Great power consider China as a potential enemy or what.They meet with the leader called Dalai who wants to divide China and said him was a hero and even on the problem of Chinese Diaoyu Island,they ignore the true history and support Japan to continue occupy it.Lots of such things made China disappoint...all what they do is to contain China,but how is it possible by doing such things?...May they do not know China has 5000years history and China been the much most advanced country in the world for thousands of years in human history,but we never ever to invade even one country in history,China just share her culture,art,science and invention with the world.Japan in history,not.East and West,We should become to know each other but not to resist.

1.The 2 games based on Korean war and ww2(Chinese anti-Japanese war) (all Chinese,publishing date 1998 and 2001 )

(these 2 Chinese games are all turn-based SLG,but not RTS or what)

the game which based on Chinese anti-Japanese war,even accurate the troops,the weapons and the casualties to one person one rifle one wounded and one dead,I mean for example when I finish one battle,I may get this result:enemy dead 1326men captured1532men,captured567rifles,77mortars,17lighttanks,8mediumtanks,32artillery,AAguns,horses....and the captured weapons can be our own use for the following battles.

Another Chinese game based on Korean war,equipment types even more and much contains over 100 historical real weapons used in Korean war from land,air to navy,from all kinds of helmet,FieldCombatShoes,medicine,mine,rifle,machine guns ,armed Vehicles ond so on even the USA have atomic bomb.

Although some of the western games also can do this such as WITE/WITP,even steel panzers or some what? But,I have to say,the 2 Chinese games’s detail just make the game more interesting to play,but to the players,they are still easy game to play and not hard or complicated at all,even my 10year old relative child can play them.but the Wite/witp,I think their detail are much more complicated and hard to play for the players,may some people like that,but not for all.And I must say,the 2 Chinese games also not the same type with wite,blitzkrieg,suddenstrike or other western war games,they are detailed but so easy to understand,historical and have some interesting elements I’ve never seen in other war games.If let me give a mark to them,If the 2 Chinese games mark10,steel panzers may only mark3. And they are through the whole historical war,if you want to play through one of them,it may take you two weeks,when you finish one time,you may find you can play it again in another different way and will not feel boring.(I’ve played through both of the 2 games for over 10 times)Not like some of the western games,I bougt many many English war games but some of them I can play through them for only one or two days and when I finish I have no interest to play it once more.(by the way,I think Panzergeneral 2/3 are very classical war games which I also played through for over 20 times)

Melee combat:In a lot of western games,if you have enough more power to melee or to attack,you win with almost no men lost and the enemies all die.Is that OK and real....?China has a archaism,in English,means in a victory,if you Hurt one thousand enemies may yourself army have eight hundred losses.

So,in both of the 2 Chinese games,you also have to melee sometime,because the ammo may usually not enough especially for exemple in the Korean war based game when a infantry unit fire with automatic weapon several times.So if the condition is allowed in the Korean war based game I usually equip my infantry unit with rifle,automatic weapon,mine,hand grenade and mortars in the meantime for different situations.But when still lack of ammo and your unit had throw it's last hand grenade and you can not get supply in time,your unit have to melee,but even your unit's morale very high,you can not get 0 loss in melee combat.even your unit have 10,000 men to melee 100 men,you may get 66men,83men,205men…lost.It depends on the situation,and melee combat shaken both of the two sides much and unit'fatigue will increase high.

the first photo,you can see,this is me,I create my self in the game as a division commander,choose my unit type as special forces.
you can see my special forces now has 410 men,0 wounded morale 100,0 fatigue strength,experience 93, 10 unit of ammo.On the right are my special skills and tactics.below are my unit's equipment,there are Steel Helmet,apple(can reduce fatigue strength ) ,hand grenade,captured M-37 and Bazooka,type93 heavy machine gun,81mm mortar and horse,next 4 are anti-infantry mines and anti-tank mines.The last 4 equipment were in red color indicate that my experience gained was not enough to use them now.By the way,type93 heavy machine gun,even now I can not use it yet,I steal it from my AI controlled friendly force and instead I threw an rifle to them to bad man I am...

I was told by system that I can not put links here for 7 days,so I cut off the "h t t p : //" before every picture link,If necessary, you may add it yourself,sorry.

1.the game based on Korean war: (this game is over 15 years old,so the pictures may not very beautiful)

2.the game based on Anti-Japanese War: (also a many years ago game in my pc now too.)

3. A Japan-made game based on mordern war

All these words I said means that I hope war games from different countries can learn the advantages from eachother and make more interesting games for players all over the world.

Maybe somebody do not know that China has over 0.633 billion internet users and 0.52 billion Mobile Internet users which over the whole population of the USA + Europe.China is a large market of PC games, ** EDITED DISCUSSION ABOUT PIRACY ** but even a lot of Chinese like me,still want to buy a matrixgames's copy to play,their English is not so good to play a war game in English,and matrixgames had never make a Chinese version to sell, so some Chinese guys will crack those games and some guys will translate them into Chinese and share them on Chinese game web with others to download.If
there are Chinese versions,I believe that there are still many Chinese players would like to buy one.

So I hope that,you may know what I hope.Thankyou!

IainMcNeil -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/10/2014 12:42:49 PM)


We've just released out first iPad app in Chinese - Da Vinci's Art of War.

We're in contact with a number of Japanese & Chinese partners but always looking for more. If you know the developers involved with these games feel free to get them to contact us so we can discuss the possibility of bringing some of the games to the US & Europe etc.

zgxzz -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/10/2014 2:06:36 PM)

What a coincidence,I really know one of these game company and I've worked for it before,the boss of the company appreciated me very much. just 2 weeks ago he gave me an Email to ask something.
You must have some introduction document about this.You can send it to me by Email

Josh -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/10/2014 3:27:29 PM)


So this is you then? Welcome to the forum.


IainMcNeil -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/10/2014 4:12:17 PM)

Edited out any discussions of piracy in any form is forbidden on the site. Sorry I missed it in the original post. Please do not post about it again - I understand the context and it was not malicious but its not something we permit discussion of here.

I'll pass the contact details on to our business development team but if you know any other developers tell them to make contact as we know there is a wargames community in Japan but there has been very little cross over to date.

zgxzz -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/10/2014 4:31:55 PM)

That's all right,my fault,sorry.

zgxzz -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/10/2014 4:38:08 PM)




So this is you then? Welcome to the forum.


ah,yes,this is me in this game but not real my photo,I can not do such advanced thing as uploading my photo as my head portrait in a 15 year old game...I just chose one of the pictures the game provided which I think is the most handsome one.
though I can do this thing with the game editor,but if I instead the picture with my own photo,I don't have one uniform to match me haha...

Kuokkanen -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/10/2014 8:08:56 PM)

I might have one wargame of China origin on my iPhone: Glory of Generals. Plays much like Panzer General and the likes (Battle Isle, Panzer Corps etc.), but is little more simplified. Fun game anyway.

One Matrix game that could be of interest to you, zgxzz: The Operational Art of War III. It is very scalable operational scale game, where one piece on the map can be anything from platoon to army, hex distances can vary between 2,5 - 500 km, turn lenth can be 6 hours - month, and ready made scenarios cover time and wars from Napoleon to Iraqi Freedom. Game has its issues and plain errors (one unit listed as amphibious tank isn't amphibious, all helicopters have anti-air value at 0 etc.). But it provides some more realism than Panzer General/Corps, yet is only little more complex to play. Works on Windows 7.

Josh -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/10/2014 9:08:46 PM)

Cute, very cute. [:)]
Even more lovely when she takes the blindfold off.

zgxzz -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/11/2014 3:27:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: Matti Kuokkanen

I might have one wargame of China origin on my iPhone: Glory of Generals. Plays much like Panzer General and the likes (Battle Isle, Panzer Corps etc.), but is little more simplified. Fun game anyway.

One Matrix game that could be of interest to you, zgxzz: The Operational Art of War III. It is very scalable operational scale game, where one piece on the map can be anything from platoon to army, hex distances can vary between 2,5 - 500 km, turn lenth can be 6 hours - month, and ready made scenarios cover time and wars from Napoleon to Iraqi Freedom. Game has its issues and plain errors (one unit listed as amphibious tank isn't amphibious, all helicopters have anti-air value at 0 etc.). But it provides some more realism than Panzer General/Corps, yet is only little more complex to play. Works on Windows 7.

Art of War III,yes I have ever like it maybe 10 years ago and played it for a longtime with another game "East/West Front/Rising Sun "but now I do not have interest to play it and it is still not what kind of game I've said.but,now in China there are still maybe over 100thousands of players still play it as I know from their web.

Jim D Burns -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/11/2014 8:02:08 AM)

Thought I'd help out by making the images viewable here in the forums, saves everyone needing to cut and paste.


1.the game based on Korean war: (this game is over 15 years old,so the pictures may not very beautiful)


2.the game based on Anti-Japanese War: (also a many years ago game in my pc now too.)


3. A Japan-made game based on mordern war


Edit: Hmm odd, not all the images are loading, yet if I cut and paste a missing image and then refresh the page it will load.

Alan Sharif -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/11/2014 8:31:09 AM)

Very interesting indeed.

zgxzz -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/11/2014 11:43:21 AM)

Apples reduce fatigue?Some guys here laughed and asked me why a war game has this kind of unimaginable design.OK I can explain it maybe.

Apples reduce fatigue?Maybe yes I have to say.Maybe westerners can never understand in what situation Chinese soldiers were fighting and facing at that time.
USA was already the most powerful country on the world from that time and have the most powerful air force on the world.China?Since year1840,the First Opium War(westerners may call that First Anglo-Chinese War)to 1949,China had experienced over 100years endless war on her own land.

Unimaginable huge gap of national power between China and the 16 countries in Korean at that time.But Chinese at that time can not stand by when 16 countries'troops were at the gate.

Even Chinese raised the whole country's resource to fight,but the powerful US air force blocked the only road can transport the supplies,terrain of Korean is too narrow and blocked by the US air force with thousands of planes.So you can imagine what supply can Chinese soldiers gain in the front.Front line soldiers often eat one potato which frozen stiff as a part of stone and drink some snow.they could not light a fire because it will bring tons of bombs from planes and artillery.During the battle of Triangle Hill,Chinese supply road to the front line on top of the hill was blocked,at night the headquarter sent 100 soldiers with a bag on their body filled with water and apples to supply the front,90soldiers die on the road blocked by artillery and heavy machine guns.
in some of the Chinese trenches,dozens of soldiers eat one or two apples together.due to lack of nutrition,many many Chinese soldiers contract a disease called mooneyed,they can not see anything during the night,USA's commanders said Chinese soldier like to
lead off attacks at night,yes,even in this situation,many soldiers can't see anything,they have to attack at night,because during daytime there are lots of planes in the air and Chinese soldiers also did not have enough ammo to fire as their opponent...In another battle,a company of Chinese soldiers ambush an USA force,but when the USA force pass their ambush zone,non of the Chinese soldiers stand up to attack,all of them froze to death already in battle array.Such things were very many during Korean war.

Compared with this, US air force even have the time and mood to transport millions of condoms from America to the front line.

So,this is a game made by Chinese,may a lot of westerners can never understand why an apple can be designed as can"reduce fatigue ".
I explained it,this is also a good way to communicate.More communication,less misunderstanding.Hope the politicians can often do like this.Hope wars far away form virtuous human beings.

zgxzz -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/11/2014 11:44:58 AM)

So kind!Thankyou!

Josh -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/11/2014 4:03:30 PM)

An "apple" or a "first aid kit", different things but with the same idea. Elements from Role Playing Games (RPG) are not often in wargames, well there are games with "apples" (or first aid kit/fresh water/bandages/whatever) but they are more often in the RPG/First Person Shooter games.
The "anti-Japanese war" looks pretty much like Sudden Strike... or Blitzkrieg.

Kuokkanen -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/11/2014 7:18:06 PM)



The "anti-Japanese war" looks pretty much like Sudden Strike... or Blitzkrieg.

Wouldn't be surprising if it is. Blitzkrieg game engine has been licensed for development of other games. Same with Starcraft, where best known licensed example is Galactic Battlegrounds.

Capt. Harlock -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/11/2014 7:41:13 PM)


even at that time that all of the countries of Asia except China have surrendered to Japan, China never thought of surrender

To be perfectly fair, India did not surrender, and yes, Japanese troops did invade Indian soil. (Of course, India was not independent, so Churchill wouldn't have allowed them to surrender.)

That being said, what do you think of the modeling of China in War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition?

radic202 -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/11/2014 10:39:42 PM)

Well all I can say is that I am interested! Actually very interested.............SO nice of Iain here to offer to contact him. Again, surely would like to see more of this, now I have a Masters and 4 degrees (one in languages) but alas Chinese is not one of them. Please keep me informed.

zgxzz -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/12/2014 6:58:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: Matti Kuokkanen



The "anti-Japanese war" looks pretty much like Sudden Strike... or Blitzkrieg.

Wouldn't be surprising if it is. Blitzkrieg game engine has been licensed for development of other games. Same with Starcraft, where best known licensed example is Galactic Battlegrounds.

I may forgot to say that these 2 Chinese games are all turn-based SLG,but not RTS game like Sudden Strike or Blitzkrieg.
For I've played all kinds of Sudden Strike and Blitzkrieg for hundreds of times,even there can not be very much differences in model in general look,I do not think they have similar look in model in all details,Sudden Strike's model are much pretty than this Chinese game and we aslo can not imagine a turn-based SLG'model could as pretty as a RTS game.

zgxzz -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/12/2014 7:05:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: Capt. Harlock


even at that time that all of the countries of Asia except China have surrendered to Japan, China never thought of surrender

To be perfectly fair, India did not surrender, and yes, Japanese troops did invade Indian soil. (Of course, India was not independent, so Churchill wouldn't have allowed them to surrender.)

That being said, what do you think of the modeling of China in War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition?

what do I think of the modeling of China in War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition?

Since my English is not very good,do "modeling"mean the several Chinese troops'photos in the game? They looks OK I think.

And I also have some historical photos here.

The First photo was taken by a Japanese military correspondent in 1937,8,21.Shanghai.
This side are Japanese soldiers,the very opposite,the tank,is Chinese,belong to the 88division.
All of the Chinese infantries with this tank has already fallen in battle and this tank itself has already ran out of ammunition,this Japanese photo recorded the last moment of the lonely Chinese tank was Charging towards them with no ammo.

2nd photo is a Chinese female soldier


3rd photo are Chinese soldiers on battlefield of Shanghai (this photo maybe historical maybe in a film,I am not sure )


Josh -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/12/2014 8:15:45 AM)

That last picture is from a movie, I forgot which one though. Pretty bloody battles that I remember.

Capt. Harlock -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/12/2014 7:27:58 PM)


what do I think of the modeling of China in War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition?

Since my English is not very good,do "modeling"mean the several Chinese troops'photos in the game? They looks OK I think.

Sorry, I meant how well does the program represent the military situation in China 1941-1945? Are the combat results realistic? Does the game accurately show the difficulties of supply? Is the fact that there are only three levels of combat (bombardment, deliberate, and shock) a problem, or is it acceptable, since no computer game can handle everything?

TulliusDetritus -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/12/2014 8:21:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: Capt. Harlock


what do I think of the modeling of China in War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition?

Since my English is not very good,do "modeling"mean the several Chinese troops'photos in the game? They looks OK I think.

Sorry, I meant how well does the program represent the military situation in China 1941-1945? Are the combat results realistic? Does the game accurately show the difficulties of supply? Is the fact that there are only three levels of combat (bombardment, deliberate, and shock) a problem, or is it acceptable, since no computer game can handle everything?

The Chinese Front is basically a snore fest (in the real thing). The Japanese could not take all of China, and the Chinese could not kick the Japanese out [>:] Ok, you have the late war Japanese Bltizkrieg in the south, but nothing conclusive.

Looks like determined Japanese players can push the enemy all the way to Chungking and then Kunming. Most WitP AE players ignore this theatre (quiet China scenario or house rule). Still, I'd like the Japanese doing thins vs me... all those exposed flanks (and lots of Chinese counters to play with)... and supply really matters in WitP AE [sm=00000622.gif]

Yogi the Great -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/12/2014 11:15:20 PM)

Many people seem interested, but I have a question.

Why was the original post not Spam? To be honest from another thread you could see this coming. Plus it has appeared in the thread for Heros of Stalingrad. This is spam that is being accepted as far as I see it.

zgxzz -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/13/2014 5:25:03 AM)

"The Chinese Front is basically a snore fest (in the real thing). The Japanese could not take all of China, and the Chinese could not kick the Japanese out"
Maybe that was true after year 1943,after year 1943,there were only 6 big campaigns and 130,000 Japanese soldiers dead.But before July 1942,there were 16 big campaigns and countless battles in China during which the Japanese force die over 360,000 elite soldiers,and countless were injured these were taken place before July 1942, when at the meantime the allies were also beaten and captured by the Japanese force everywhere in the pacific theater.These were Japanese own record.
Due to the large weapon gap and other reasons,over 1.31 million Chinese soldiers dead during WW2.

It is true that battle of China may seen as less useful ,but in another way,we can imagine,if China surrendered like France,can India face a million of Japanese forces alone?India will soon fall with China surrender,and USSR dare not to sent it's far eastern troops to reinforce the battle of Moscow,Moscow will fall then USSR will be defeated by the German and Japanese united forces,Germany and Japan would meet with each other both in Africa and Europe,finally there would be only British isles and USA left on the world to face the axis great powers.And,what will be the final result...
May Chinese battle not interesting in PC games,but in history for the huge gap of weapon,Chinese soldiers built another Great Wall with their bodies to stop the strong Japanese force since year 1937 and prevented the serious butterfly effect I said to happen to the world.

If really a snore fest,how could 1.31 million Chinese soldiers die?So a game is a game,we can never perform exactly the history in a game,so stand facing each other in battle of China and feel boring may happen in a PC game.

zgxzz -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/13/2014 5:41:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: Yogi the Great

Many people seem interested, but I have a question.

Why was the original post not Spam? To be honest from another thread you could see this coming. Plus it has appeared in the thread for Heros of Stalingrad. This is spam that is being accepted as far as I see it.

Why was the original post not Spam? May because this Chinese website on which I put the pictures has over 0.3 billion users in China that be equal to the population in the US,never heard of virus threat.
And that guy who said he got a virus threat detected from Avast had already clarified the fact to me that he only got an error with the first picture link which was common things.
Just the opposite,people in China get millions millions of spam mails everyday which written in English and more in German(I've studied a little German at university),non in Chinese.These spam mails including sex or other what I never open them,I averagely still receive over 3 such emails per day while most of these spam mails were intercept by system.

zgxzz -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/13/2014 6:33:43 AM)

Well Harlock,it is hard to say,as a game,it is OK.Are the combat results realistic?Also it is OK as a game.
Even "close combat"can not represent the true real situation in a small battle,how can we imagine a single man controlled turn-based game can represent the whole WW2 perfectly?Maybe we can expect more real elements to be added in a war game when we developed a much much much more stronger AI system which can simulate more complicated situation in real war.Today,maybe not.If we try to make some"perfect"war game in this way, today,we may made it very very difficult for players to handle it,it may make players to become mad.
If we make the game more and more complicated,we may really need some other players to help since a single player can not handle everything,he may need a human player as his land army commander,a human navy commander,a human air force commander and a human player as his logistics commander,5 players control one country together to play such that complicated war game...

A successful war game nowadays I think,should be complicated just in design,but easy for more players to handle and enjoy it.This is the point what I think just the most known turn-based war games can not reach.

TulliusDetritus -> RE: Introduce 3 war games from the eastern world (3/13/2014 12:49:03 PM)



"The Chinese Front is basically a snore fest (in the real thing). The Japanese could not take all of China, and the Chinese could not kick the Japanese out"
Maybe that was true after year 1943,after year 1943,there were only 6 big campaigns and 130,000 Japanese soldiers dead.But before July 1942,there were 16 big campaigns and countless battles in China during which the Japanese force die over 360,000 elite soldiers,and countless were injured these were taken place before July 1942, when at the meantime the allies were also beaten and captured by the Japanese force everywhere in the pacific theater.These were Japanese own record.
Due to the large weapon gap and other reasons,over 1.31 million Chinese soldiers dead during WW2.

It is true that battle of China may seen as less useful ,but in another way,we can imagine,if China surrendered like France,can India face a million of Japanese forces alone?India will soon fall with China surrender,and USSR dare not to sent it's far eastern troops to reinforce the battle of Moscow,Moscow will fall then USSR will be defeated by the German and Japanese united forces,Germany and Japan would meet with each other both in Africa and Europe,finally there would be only British isles and USA left on the world to face the axis great powers.And,what will be the final result...
May Chinese battle not interesting in PC games,but in history for the huge gap of weapon,Chinese soldiers built another Great Wall with their bodies to stop the strong Japanese force since year 1937 and prevented the serious butterfly effect I said to happen to the world.

If really a snore fest,how could 1.31 million Chinese soldiers die?So a game is a game,we can never perform exactly the history in a game,so stand facing each other in battle of China and feel boring may happen in a PC game.

No matter the many bloody campaigns that front was a pure stalemate: both contenders were not going anywhere.

The Soviet Red Army could expect to kick the enemy out, which they did.


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