mikmykWS -> RE: Adding a Magazine via config file (3/12/2014 11:43:10 PM)
emsoy INI Config file commands are: Add mount, ID# 434 used as an example. Note that Coverage has to be added as well, either each segment of a limited arc, or a full 360 deg arc: <MountAdd_434> <!--CADS-N-1 [3M87 Kortik]--> <Cov> Alternative 1:<Seg>PMA1,PMA2,PMF1,PMF2,PS1,PS2,PB1,PB2</Seg> Alternative 2:<Seg>360</Seg> </Cov> </MountAdd_434> Add magazine, ID# 240 used as an example: <MagAdd_240 /><!-- Torpedo Magazine Internal Tubes, USN 2005 --> Add sensor, ID# 4 used as an example. Note that Coverage has to be added as well, both search coverage and illumination/target tracking coverage (the two coverages have been given different arcs for illustration purposes): <SensorAdd_4> <!--Toad Stool [RBP-2]--> <Cov> <Seg>360</Seg> </Cov> <Cov_Ill> <Seg>PMA1,PMA2,PMF1,PMF2,PS1,PS2,</Seg> </Cov_Ill> </SensorAdd_4> Add comm link (typically missile guidance link), ID# 3 used as an example: <CommAdd_3 /><!--SA-10 Missile Datalink--> Delete mount, mag, sensor and comm link, item #3 on the unit used as an example, with ID#222 (a ship may carry several instances of a given mount/mag/etc, so have to specify exactly which one to remove): <MountRemove_3_222 /> <MagRemove_3_222 /> <SensorRemove_3_222 /> <CommRemove_3_222 /> Edit, add and remove weapon record on mount, in mount magazines or in magazines. In this case mount #3 on the ship, which has ID# 552 and is a Sea Sparrow mount (as per comment). Also note that we're playing around with the mount magazine a bit: <Mount_3_552><!--Mk29 Sea Sparrow--> <WeaponRecAdd_5188 /><!--RIM-8J Talos--> <WeaponRecAdd_1557 /><!--RUM-139A VLA [Mk46 Mod 5]--> <WeaponRecAdd_2626 /><!--Roland 3--> <WeaponRecAdd_944 /><!--RUR-5A Mod 3 ASROC RTD [10kT Nuclear DC]--> <WeaponEdit_1687_2 /><!--RIM-7M Sea Sparrow--> <WeaponEdit_885_22 /><!--RIM-8J Talos--> <WeaponEdit_1643_77 /><!--RUR-5A Mod 3 ASROC RTD [10kT Nuclear DC]--> <WeaponRemove_233 /><!--Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction]--> <MountMag> <WeaponRecAdd_5188 /><!--RIM-8J Talos--> <WeaponRecAdd_154 /><!--RUM-139C VLA [Mk54]--> <WeaponRecAdd_4015 /><!--S-8KO 80mm Rocket--> <WeaponRecAdd_2765 /><!--SAM-3 Kin-SAM [Type 93]--> <WeaponEdit_885_3 /><!--RIM-8J Talos--> <WeaponEdit_1193_88 /><!--SAM-3 Kin-SAM [Type 93]--> <WeaponRemove_233 /><!--Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction]--> </MountMag> </Mount_3_552> <Mag_1_717><!--Mk36 SRBOC--> <WeaponRecAdd_2541 /><!--Generic Chaff Salvo [5x Cartridges]--> <WeaponRecAdd_5188 /><!--RIM-8J Talos--> <WeaponRecAdd_154 /><!--RUM-139C VLA [Mk54]--> <WeaponRecAdd_4015 /><!--S-8KO 80mm Rocket--> <WeaponRecAdd_2765 /><!--SAM-3 Kin-SAM [Type 93]--> <WeaponEdit_232_222 /><!--Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction]--> <WeaponEdit_885_3 /><!--RIM-8J Talos--> <WeaponEdit_1193_88 /><!--SAM-3 Kin-SAM [Type 93]--> <WeaponRemove_233 /><!--Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction]--> </Mag_1_717>