swkuh -> RE: are there any tools to help a player visually see where his supply should be the next turn? (3/14/2014 11:43:57 PM)
Must say your question intrigued me. Don't know easy method to judge supply, except maybe isolated units show "red" borders. I judge supply connections by how far the HQ & units are from an "active" train line. Active means unbroken connection back to a supply base. Use the "see train line" button to see this. Then eyeball the hexes from the closest active train hex. The closer the better. Your unit supply status is seen from the unit box when you cursor the unit. HQ often shows no fuel, etc. because all fuel has been passed forward to controlled units. Best tactic is to ensure HQs have a clear track back to an active rail line. Presumably, shorter the better. Keep controlled units no more than 5 hexes from their HQs.