flying penguin -> RE: What is the best f-15 for air to air warfare? (3/20/2014 9:37:41 PM)
ORIGINAL: Primarchx You don't need to mount the CFTs on a Strike Eagle. It's got fly-by-wire with F-110-GE-129 IPEs. More importantly is the addition of IRST, JHMCS and AESA radar to the aircraft. Those elements mixed with AIM-120C7s and AIM-9Xs makes it a very potent air to air threat able to compete with any older C-bird out there. And the question was about the best F-15 for AAW, not who operates it. [:D] The OP specified Americans in his second post: quote:
Do you know if the game simulates that too? I mean, playing with Americans (present day), do you suggest me the f-15C? The US fleet of C models is so big there are plenty of variations in update levels, but they started adding AESA radar in 2007, AIM 9X Block I is deployed in the F-15C fleet and both JHMCS and IRST are on the way (although IRST is further off). As for AMRAAMs, given the Saudi contract for the C7 was signed last year (never mind delivery), and the D model is slated to finish USAF operation testing in FY14, I'm not sure you can really credit the SA with a lead on it. Don't get me wrong, the SA is a very capable aircraft (as are all the improved F-15 models), but anything based on the heavier (even without CFT) E model is going to struggle to best a fully upgraded C model. But then again given the OP wants to fight as the Americans, it's not really a difficult question to answer given they don't fly the SA [:D] Although this is all with the big caveat that I haven't checked the DB to see what upgrade levels are modelled [:)]