Campaigns (Full Version)

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David Hansen -> Campaigns (3/20/2014 2:43:01 PM)

I'm most interested in playing campaigns vs. individual scenerios. So...

*How many campaigns are available...EF/WF/others?

*Roughly, how many linked scenerios in a campaign...10-20...30-40?

*Core units carried over as a campaign advances...unit upgrades available over the course of the campaign?

*Core size...does it very by scenerio...increase over time?

*Non core units involved?

*Leaders with abilities?

*AI competence?

*Graphic's resolution on a 24 inch monitor?

Basically I enjoy the Panzer Command presentation of tactical WWII conflicts...not a WITE/WITP micro-management approach, but neither a "beer and pretzel" game either.

TXS for any insights.

Jason Petho -> RE: Campaigns (3/20/2014 10:36:24 PM)

12.0 Campaign Games
The Campaign Series features two types of campaign games: the Dynamic Campaign and the exciting new Linked Campaign. All Campaign Games are listed in the “New Campaign” screen. The Linked Campaign Games are listed following all of the Dynamic Campaign Game. Note that the introduction (historical) copy about each cam¬paign game identifies whether it is a Linked or Dynamic Campaign Game.

– The Dynamic Campaign Games (DCG) features a series of linked, albeit randomly-generated, scenarios (aka Missions) that follow an historical path. In a DCG, you are freer to choose the side you want to play, as well as the organization type and command level. Also you, the player, are represented on the map as an individual Leader; if your Leader unit is eliminated, the DCG will end prematurely. Take care of yourself!

– In a Linked Campaign Games (LCG), the side you play and the organization you control is predetermined. You command that organization and all of its inherent units through a series of exciting, historically–linked, pre-designed scenarios. Your level of victory in each scenario will determine the scenario you play next in that LCG. Your success in the LCG will determine how many scenarios you play, as well as what scenarios you play.

As you play either type of campaign game, your progress (current position) is reported to you before each scenario as a red dot on the overall campaign map displayed on the Mission screen (see section 12.4).

There are a variety of each type of campaign games to choose from, each of different length and at differing periods of time during World War II. To start a new (or to resume an existing) campaign game of either type, select Play Campaign from the Main Menu screen.

The following chart helps to explain some of the other differences between a “Linked” and a “Dynamic” campaign game:

FEATURE ----------------------------------------DCG-------------LCG
Do I have a “Personal” Leader?------------------Yes-------------No
If “my” Leader is killed, is the CG over?-------Yes-------------No
Do I have a choice of side I play in the CG?----Yes-------------No; preset
Do I have a choice of Org in a CG?--------------Yes-------------No; preset
Do I have a choice of command level?------------Yes-------------No; preset
Are the scenarios historically accurate?--------No; random------Usually
Is the map historically accurate?---------------No; random------Yes
Does my level of victory in a CG scenario
have an effect on the next scenario played?-----No--------------Yes
Does my “core” unit take causalities?-----------Yes-------------Yes
Do my units get replacement SPs?----------------Yes-------------Yes
Do my “core” units get upgraded?----------------Yes, usually----Not usually

An effort has been made to improve and correct the Dynamic Campaigns found within the game. There are new organizations for the German and Russian campaigns for East Front, as well as corrected German and United States order of battles for West Front. Thanks to the work of Richard Simonitch, the Dynamic Campaign files themselves have been interpreted and adjusted accordingly. He took it upon himself to create a new West Front Dynamic Campaign and adjusted some of the current West Front Dynamic Campaigns, providing a more historical force structure. While it is a small step, it is a step nonetheless, and this will continue with future updates.

Jason Petho -> RE: Campaigns (3/20/2014 10:46:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: David Hansen

I'm most interested in playing campaigns vs. individual scenerios. So...

*How many campaigns are available...EF/WF/others?

DCG: EF = 17
LCG: EF = 6

DCG: WF = 9
LCG: WF = 13

DCG: RS = 3
LCG: RS = 6


ORIGINAL: David Hansen
*Roughly, how many linked scenerios in a campaign...10-20...30-40?

Depends on the Linked Campaign, some are short, some are longer. Most no more than 25 scenarios.


ORIGINAL: David Hansen
*AI competence?

AI has been given some new life with some new options. There is a post here: Post


ORIGINAL: David Hansen
*Graphic's resolution on a 24 inch monitor?

1920 x 1080 is what I use.

I prefer LCG's over DCG's. LCG's are created by design, while DCG's are rather random.

Hope that helps
Jason Petho

David Hansen -> RE: Campaigns (3/21/2014 12:38:43 PM)


TXS for the info!

CaptainHuge -> RE: Campaigns (3/21/2014 1:26:48 PM)

Personally, I like the DCG's better. I like the way they combine the affects of history i.e. geographically you fight in the historic area and how often you fight generally corresponds to the historical pace. I also like playing a campaign where your units get upgraded, i.e. PzIIIF to PzIIIH to PzIIIL etc. as the months go by.

I play exclusively against the AI and I find it very enjoyable. [:)]

David Hansen -> RE: Campaigns (6/4/2014 4:15:13 PM)

With the latest patch released...all campaigns will now continue with no issues?

I assume Win7 supported.

I played the heck out of EF years have been anxiously awaiting the campaign fix.

Good to go now?


Jason Petho -> RE: Campaigns (6/4/2014 4:30:42 PM)

All is good to go.

It's even win8 supported!

Jason Petho

simovitch -> RE: Campaigns (6/5/2014 2:42:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: Jason Petho
Thanks to the work of Richard Simonitch, the Dynamic Campaign files themselves have been interpreted and adjusted accordingly. He took it upon himself to create a new West Front Dynamic Campaign and adjusted some of the current West Front Dynamic Campaigns, providing a more historical force structure.

Thank you sir, I am humbled by you and your dev teams progress made since those heady days of discovery...[8D]

Grungar -> RE: Campaigns (6/14/2014 12:13:22 AM)

the dynamic campaign's ai is an interesting animal. when it plays german in erly years its very aggressive and tends to coordinate well with its intentions. It really depends on what kind of unit you choose..if you take a Russian tank battalion you will soon learn how to defeat them. now if you choose an inf battalion a much more realistic and common unit for either combatant you have to consider your unit over winning the game. wich really is rather a moot point unless you have no where to hide against a strong enemy. The linked campaign is by far the most difficult solitaire option. This form of play is very tricky. you might just find yourself on sword beach laughing at the poor mecksico touchers as you easly hit the beaches against a very strong german and rolling up in two directions. hmmmm this cant be that bad..then one day you get a mission ..a simple mission. all you have to do is win and your are all set. 12 turns is plenty of time. and whats a few tanks. etc etc

rjantzi -> RE: Campaigns (6/14/2014 3:00:33 PM)

I have a couple of questions about the DCG's. When you start a mission and you're given the opportunity to re-position your units, is there anyway to see what portions of the map are "in bounds or out of bounds" as far as placement? Secondly, can you tell what direction the enemy will be coming from? For example, if my first mission is a static line defense, I know I have to protect the victory point hexes but if they're in the middle of the map how do I know what direction to expect the attack from?

Jason Petho -> RE: Campaigns (6/14/2014 3:15:19 PM)

Typically, the opposing forces will start on the other side of the map.

There isn't a line, but it is typically the bottom third of the map is your deployment zone for most scenarios.

Jason Petho

rjantzi -> RE: Campaigns (6/14/2014 3:45:36 PM)

Thanks Jason, I'll give that a try.

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