morvael -> RE: Hmm... Combined Arms Army, Shock Army, Tank Army... ay-ay-ay... (3/21/2014 4:48:42 AM)
You can't create Shock Armies. In the full campaign there is 5 of them, coming as reinforcements. They have normal CP limit, like the Combined Arms Armies, but differ from them by having admin bonus. Regular Combined Arms Armies can be promoted to Guard Armies, having the same bonus as Shock Armies. This will be done automatically, provided said HQ has enough victories. Tank Armies have "Tank Army" in their name, so it's easy to differentate them from regular armies. Besides, you have to build those HQs by yourself. Tank Armies can become Guards Tank Armies. Xth Army - combined arms army (24/21/18) Xth Guards Army - combined arms army promoted to guards status (24/21/18) Xth Shock Army - shock army (24/21/18) Xth Tank Army - tank army (15) Xth Guards Tank Army - tank army promoted to guards status (15)