Stop at last waypoint (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Command: Modern Operations series


edfathead -> Stop at last waypoint (4/5/2014 11:07:31 AM)

Is it just me or do other people agree the last way point should be stop (by default) for ground & water units?

Sardaukar -> RE: Stop at last waypoint (4/5/2014 11:41:03 AM)

Yes, that should be default for them. Hopefully they fix this, preventing ships running aground due lack of attention. Well...that happens in real Navies too..[:D]

Rongor -> RE: Stop at last waypoint (4/5/2014 11:49:19 AM)

You can do this by rightclick on the last waypoint and then preset the throttle settings for that wp to stop but you may already know that. Just a hint for newcomers stumbling over this issue.

mikmykWS -> RE: Stop at last waypoint (4/5/2014 12:51:45 PM)

Rongor is correct.

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