New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (Full Version)

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Andrew Loveridge -> New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/8/2014 7:25:55 PM)

Greetings All,

We have a new version of Empire in Arms for you to try out. It works with more resolutions and larger screens, as well as fixes some bugs, and includes some updated images and Documents. It is available in the Members Club.

Please give it a try and let us know how it works for you.

UI Enhancement

  • More maps in higher screen resolution.
  • Space filler panel added into bottom right of screen, which fills in all unused space on larger screens, and shows flag of current nation.

Game Bug

  • Can now Initiate Naval Combat when trying to lift a blockade (from outside)
    Fixed Blockade intercepts following different rules to open sea intercepts
  • Issues with Garrison Limit Reached resolved.
    AI Taking ALL cav losses on break for that round resolved.
  • AI is no longer too generous giving away minors.

Game Enhancement

  • Newer compiler used.
  • Editor is now properly adding new leaders.
  • Several images in game updated.
  • Documentation Updated.

Rules Deviation

  • Trivial battles preventing reinforcement attempts resolved.

gazfun -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/9/2014 7:47:51 AM)

Maybe its a gonna download.

I cant see hide nor hair of it sorry

kirk23 -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/9/2014 8:07:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: Andrew Loveridge

Greetings All,

We have a new version of Empire in Arms for you to try out. It works with more resolutions and larger screens, as well as fixes some bugs, and includes some updated images and Documents. It is available in the Members Club.

Please give it a try and let us know how it works for you.

UI Enhancement

  • More maps in higher screen resolution.
  • Space filler panel added into bottom right of screen, which fills in all unused space on larger screens, and shows flag of current nation.

Game Bug

  • Can now Initiate Naval Combat when trying to lift a blockade (from outside)
    Fixed Blockade intercepts following different rules to open sea intercepts
  • Issues with Garrison Limit Reached resolved.
    AI Taking ALL cav losses on break for that round resolved.
  • AI is no longer too generous giving away minors.

Game Enhancement

  • Newer compiler used.
  • Editor is now properly adding new leaders.
  • Several images in game updated.
  • Documentation Updated.

Rules Deviation

  • Trivial battles preventing reinforcement attempts resolved.

I get page not available message see photo!


Pans -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/9/2014 8:08:43 AM)

very interesting news!

Anyway I canīt access the beta file. The FTP requires a useraccount and password?!


Agathosdaimon -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/9/2014 12:00:11 PM)

same problem here - cant be downloaded - an error message pops up

kirk23 -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/9/2014 5:59:42 PM)

Ok another day passes, and still the download link has not been fixed,come on its been ages since the last patch and I'm wanting to try out this new one please.[:D]


pzgndr -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/9/2014 8:44:04 PM)

I let Andrew know about this.  Unfortunately Matrix is heading off to PAX East in Boston so the production office might not get to this until next week.  Hang in there guys.

Update 4/15. Download seems to be working ok now. Andrew said it could have been a synching issue? Please try again.

kirk23 -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/15/2014 9:54:28 PM)

Cheers! Downloading as I write this.[;)]

Manstein63 -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/17/2014 2:15:16 PM)


UI Enhancement

More maps in higher screen resolution.

Just downloaded this version & everything is tiny and very hard to read compared to the official version is there anyway to change the screen resolution in game?

pzgndr -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/18/2014 11:43:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: Manstein63
Just downloaded this version & everything is tiny and very hard to read compared to the official version is there anyway to change the screen resolution in game?

That sounds odd; the display should not be any smaller, just wider. Does the game not fill the entire screen? Maybe check that you have screen resolution set to 96dpi and try a reboot. Or try a different screen resolution?

amandkm -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/26/2014 3:21:07 PM)

i updated to the beta version- are new pbems using this version as a rule, or should I roll back to the prior version?

amandkm -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/30/2014 2:16:04 AM)

What resolution should I use for this? When I have a field combat the resolve buttons are not visible

Jadasong -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (5/30/2014 2:21:53 PM)

Not knowing the previous version I'm not able to comment on fixes or comparative differences but I know the game well enough to pick some things. I've missed a few points which I'll note later when I see them again.

1) The only screen resolution that fits is quite small and hard to read, but otherwise is good. Maybe later on a mouse scroll to pointer or zoom function would be good.
2) Above documented changes seem to work.
3) You can't disband or delete units in some cases where they still have strength factors in them - even if you want to just lose them. I had a Corp trapped in an isolated province in the middle or Russia and you can't negotiate Transit rights with ex-enemies ... I transferred all the factors I could to city garrisons and wanted to Remove the counter (lose factors) and return the Corps to the pool - but you can't while it has factors in it.

I almost had the same issue with Supply Depots with Garrison Militia in them. I wanted to just Remove the Depot and lose the Militia but it wouldn't allow the remove while it had factors. The next month it did allow the MIL to be disbanded, and then later Removed the depot but it took 2 month turns to do some thing that should happen same turn.
4) Trying to do some illegal deployment of factors to units generates a message with garbled text "!!". I think it was when I tried to deploy factors to a city garrison in "conquered" minors. Error message needs fixing.
5) When clicking on a unit to check it's "foraging" chances and modifiers it sometimes comes up with blank messages ... you need to go off elsewhere click around alot and come back later then you might get the message.

There were other nuisance issues and little bugs but when I see them again i'll note them.

oh yeah

6) The AI (I presume) in this specific game didn't respond well to mobilising to defend against invasion. e.g. England and Russia in particular left ALL their armies as City Garrisons and even after an Economic phase still never created Corps on the Garrisons to come out and fight .... you just fight all the Garrison cities all the way to Moscow with no field armies to fight :( The UK did the same.
7) The UK suicide invasions of the French coast are ok I guess though the AI really shouldn't send top leaders like Wellington over attached to a single MIL factor! Leaders should really only get assigned to a real Corps with INF of maybe 5 or more factors for example.
8) I question if the AI for UK builds any Navy?? Was so sad to see the French fleet just build up dominance and sink the entire Royal Navy without much of a fight - the UK should have a Navy build in it's production priorities.
9) The UK Navy also seemed slow or just not notice the French fleet operating right beside it and allowed me to leave a French invasion fleet sit at sea unmolested for 5 MONTHS while I invaded London. They seemed stuck guarding the Lille crossing with no attempt to intercept the French invasion fleet beside them.

Anyway, still a good game that brings back memories of my younger days but it would definitely benefit from a decent online capability for multiplayer as you can only expect so much from AI intelligence :)

Mauron -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (1/23/2015 9:10:19 PM)

Hi all,

Maybe someone can help me with a problem with the patch 1.20. The game in solo works fine but when I try to play PBEM the program searchs some graphics in the wrong folder and it crash. It looks quite dummy because the program search for a file in the root folder of the correct subfolder.

I hope anyone can help to deal with this issue.

Thanks in advance!

Pans -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (1/24/2015 7:53:33 AM)

you should take care that your battle folder is empty.
Anyway the game has problems with wide screen resolutions and with Win 7 + 8. I use an old laptop with Win XP.

would you like to play in running pbem games? We need a Prussian player.


Mauron -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (1/25/2015 5:41:58 PM)

Thanks for the advice. Now I'm playing a test game in version 1.08 for a couple of weeks but when we finish I'll try again the version 1.20. I didn't had any problem whith the resolution when playing solo the game just crushed when starting a PBEM game.

And yes, I'd love to play with you as the poor prussia XD, but, what version are you playing with? By the moment I'll be with the 1.08 for acouple of weeks as I said before.

By the way I take advantage to ask for another issue I have: As ADMIN I can't change the status of the minor to freestate, only to conquer, neutral ally, ... or maybe I'm not doing it right?


Michael T -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (2/21/2015 2:12:27 AM)

I really hope this version makes this game playable. It's been a long time coming. I am almost tempted to give the beta a try. But after sooo much pain in the past I am going to wait till it becomes official. Will keep checking this place for info.

pzgndr -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (2/21/2015 2:17:06 PM)


I really hope this version makes this game playable. It's been a long time coming. I am almost tempted to give the beta a try. But after sooo much pain in the past I am going to wait till it becomes official. Will keep checking this place for info.

v1.20 should have been made official by now. It's stable, it makes some good improvements, and the manual is updated. I'll ping Matrix to check on this.

Marshall had started some development work on v1.21 but hasn't gotten back to it in a long time. So, we wait...

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (3/21/2015 3:47:00 AM)

I can't add a leader in editor. How can i do it? (it doesn't show seniority rank, i can't mark if it is a cavalry leader or not) and even i cannot put it. It shows like a corp. How should i add a leader? (i tried it by double clicking in the unit fombo box as shown in the manual and then click "new leader")

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (3/21/2015 3:58:38 AM)

On the other hand... I had a wish-list.. Are some of these on development?

1.- New political combinations (like Italy, Sweden+Finland, Denmark+Norway, Two Sicilies, Westphalia, there can be a lot). Or even being further... You can add political combinations conditions on editor (like designing your own combined countries allowed)
2.- Some kind of text editor load (the graphical editor is simply tedious)

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (3/30/2015 4:19:53 PM)

Well. I have been trying the Editor now, and I have some bugs (where can i report the bug?). I uninstall all the game and reinstall from scratch.

What i have experienced from editor just now.

1.- Creating New Leader:
I can't create. I double click on "new leader" and it generates a "General X corp" (like a corp), not a General. I can put him same values as a corp, and the Counter it creates is a French Army Corp (i was trying to add a spanish leader). I can't put a leader rank (not in combo boxes: leader rank A-D) nor mark if its a Cavalry leader.

2.- Creating a Depot.
Same as above. Creates a NND Depot corp, with a counter like a French Army Corp. Frustrating...

3.- If a leader o depot is selected on combo box, some combo boxes (like unit type: normal, feudal..) dissapears and only can be visible again if the game is restarted

Has happened this to the rest of people or is only to me?

pzgndr -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (3/30/2015 4:34:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: damieiro
Has happened this to the rest of people or is only to me?

Oh we know. All of these editor issues and then some were logged into Mantis bug tracking. Marshall Ellis may or may not get back to EiA development. I don't know any more. Just getting v1.20 officially released after a year seems problematic for Matrix staff. It is all very frustrating and there doesn't seem to be any alternative development path forward. I wish Matrix would reconsider some options for enticing devlopers to continue working on improvements, or else open up older games to community improvement efforts (e.g., TOAW, CEAW, etc.).

There's always Neverman and his open-source project to single-handedly produce the perfect bug-free EiA game with challenging AI. We're still waiting for that one...

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (3/30/2015 7:34:23 PM)

Thank pzgndr for the response

I didn't believe that a simple thing like adding a leader can't be done. And it seems easy to me to correct (i'm a computer engineer)

So, what are the current editor limits?

I can add corps and fleets
I cannot add depots and leaders, but i can edit them. I do not know if inherits the rest of values (ranks, cavalry...)

I did not try to increase feudals and feudal provinces (i were exploring the idea for turkey) or special corps (cossacks or things like that)

And, seeing your answer. It will be a wild dream to edit political combinations (to customice kingdoms, and add/remove these).


I think it's sad that there is a valid engine, and it can't be improved, nor freed. In spanish (i'm spanish) : "Ni come ni deja comer" (Neither eats, don't let eat).

gazfun -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (3/30/2015 9:47:05 PM)

There is an entire community out there still, but the game mechanics will have to improve, or either be a TCP Game, under the PBEM format its too slow with 51 files per player this is the main problem to solve. Im on record on how to improve this

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (3/31/2015 7:45:26 AM)

I agree that PBEM should be improved or something for multiplayer, but i think editor and game enhancements should be the first. Why? Because a game enhancement can be used by a PBEM game, but not the reverse. If game mechanics and/or edition are implemented (like adding new leaders, new political combinations, i dream on new maps like America or Persia from EIH), PBEM are automatically enhanced and a "solo computer" (not the same that a solo game) can use scenarios that, at this time, are only a dream.

On the other hand, the game enhancements showed (edition on leaders, type: normal, cavalry, admiral, ranks...) i do not know WHY are so difficult. It's only to add two combo box (rank and type) and a DB link and the pic link (that already exists, allthough i miss the "neutral" general -> general for minors like poniatowski for poland). Same for depots. The big work is done (interface, nations.. etc. etc.), but these little things ruins a lot of edition.

And this could be extended to political combinations.

A little more work will be to add per unit a "unit date ready" -> The unit is avaiable and "unit not ready" (unit it's not avaiable) . I think this could hurt the AI (to avoid destroying corps)to avoid weird gaming (it can be solved with some corp-replacement), but i think it could be done with little trouble for leaders.

On the other hand, i do not know if in some version or implementation leaders could be added.

pzgndr -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/7/2015 11:22:39 PM)

FYI. I heard back from Erik Rutins and Marshall Ellis today. Looks like we may get the v1.21 version posted shortly as a new public beta and then officially released if all goes well? Not sure if Marshall may add to what was already in v1.21 or not. I will leave it to him to announce what's in it and what his plans may be. Stay tuned.

Pans -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/14/2015 10:27:17 AM)

that sounds great. Hope to see it soon.

anyway Iīve got a problem with a "devison by zero" error at the game start. Do you possibly know how to solve it. Thx

Daniel Amieiro -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (4/14/2015 7:32:34 PM)

A new development is allways a good notice

@Pans: To avoid div by zero you should change the the font amplification to 100% (normal) in windows (not 125% or 150%)

Edfactor -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (8/17/2015 2:47:10 AM)

Trying this patch out and now the icons and buttons are all smaller then before. I don't like the way it looks now. Is there any way I can change it back?

dodod -> RE: New Public Beta Available v1.20.04 (12/20/2015 3:14:00 PM)

where is the beta? and is there a hard version coming up?

This game is so awesome and the rules make programming difficult. I used to play over a decade ago and bought the game when it first came out. I wonder if this would be amenable to a tablet version as I think it would be easier to play over internet as opposed to pbem since you could constantly check the status and talk to each other and wouldn't have to wait to get to computer.

marshall and others thanks for giving this game a chance and I hope it becomes more successful. the forum has slowed down so much since i was here, and these games are more intelligent than all the stuff out there that's dumbed everyone down.

thanks again.

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