How do I get my old account back? (Full Version)

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Schattensand -> How do I get my old account back? (4/22/2014 2:29:52 PM)

I had a registered account here with some games on it.
Now I changed my internet provider and have no access to the old anymore.
The matrixgames access is as well nowhere to find.
Just the forum login is still there.
Gary Grigsby War in the East and other games would be totally lost, since I bought them online.
What can I do?

Josh -> RE: How do I get my old account back? (4/22/2014 2:35:59 PM)

So you forgot your username/password eh? Contact the helpdesk or Erik, they can help you out.

CGGrognard -> RE: How do I get my old account back? (4/22/2014 2:41:58 PM)

A few years back, I had a similar situation that was easily and quickly resolved by Matrix. Just reach out to them, explain your situation and move forward.

Schattensand -> RE: How do I get my old account back? (4/22/2014 3:15:39 PM)

Only password gone. would be no problem if i still had old provider.

Gilmer -> RE: How do I get my old account back? (4/22/2014 10:57:56 PM)

A few years ago, I had the same issue. I was carrying my subscription because all of my old emails. Well, they canceled my account at one point, when I did not realize my CC had gone out of date. They canned all my emails and so I went ahead and canceled the whole thing. Well, that was before I realized I still needed it to change passwords. What a mess.

Good luck.

aaatoysandmore -> RE: How do I get my old account back? (4/23/2014 5:59:03 AM)

You can goto or the old Digital River service they used and as long as you remember the credit card number you'll be able to get to a redownload link using "Find my games" feature of those sites. It will ask you for an email address to. No matter if you switch ips's or not your email addresses remain in the clouds as well as your credit card number stays on that plastic card. If you didn't keep any records you're basically sol unless Matrixgames believes you. They couldn't stay in business if every Tom, Dick, & Harry tried to use that I lost my ISP address and forgot my password and don't remember my email scam. Some things are just on the customer to be responsible for not Matrixgames or Slitherine.

Schattensand -> RE: How do I get my old account back? (4/23/2014 9:25:22 AM)

It was no problem. I did as CGGrognard wrote yesterday. Today I have my account back. The Helpdesk people were indeed helping fast.thanks for that. Matter is closed.

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