Greg McCarty -> (3/16/2001 11:37:00 AM)
Originally posted by Pack Rat:
How realistic is it to face the front armor towards the target for each shot? It maybe more than I'm thinking. But isn't the purpose of the turret to give you faster response? I know there have been very knowledgable posts regarding turret speed for the various tank types. I'm as quilty as most (big assumption on my part) of turning to face the enemy, often multiple times in a given turn. It would seem like if my unit is shooting from a fixed position, not moving, it would be more in line with lining up the front armor, than say moveing full out and then spinning the unit like a top. I don't know if this is something that needs to be "fixed" or if all is right with it. I could see some kind of limitions on the amount of turning to face, changing the way you might play. Just curious.
I've always felt that turning to face target
in liu of simply rotating turret should be a
optional action associated with movement, and
it should carry a move & shoot penalty whenever it is employed. In other words, you could rotate turret without shot penaly, but the moment you rotated the entire vehicle, that would be treated similarly as though moving another hex (or a fraction of one), and you would be penalized accordingly. Such motion might also provoke opportunity fire.
Seems reasonable.