[Completed] New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (Full Version)

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JTurbine -> [Completed] New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/27/2014 12:23:06 PM)

Hello again Community,
I am very happy with the way this Scenario turned out. In the final version, I have added some graphics to the Scenario Description and Side Briefings. I have also added a Mission
called "Photo Finish", which will end the Scenario when completed. My last Trial matched the historical outcome reasonably well:

SIDE: Israeli Air Force

5x Ouragan

8x Condib 70
28x EU.2 250kg GPB
384x 20mm Hispano Mk5 x 2 Burst [50 rnds]
144x SNEB 68mm Rocket
36x 30mm DEFA 552 x 2 Burst [50 rnds]
116x TBA 68mm Rocket

SIDE: Egyptian Air Force

1x Runway (2600m)
15x MiG-21F-13 Fishbed C
14x A/C Open Parking Spot (1x Medium Aircraft)
1x MiG-15UTI Fagot
3x Mi-4M Hound B

200x 57mm S60 HE
220x 14.5mm/79 ZPU-4 Quad Burst [120 rnds]

Please try it out and let me know if the graphics are displaying properly. As always, Feedback is welcome!!

Thanks, JT

[Original Post]:

Hello Community,
Please take a look at my first attempt at a Command Scenario, based on the Six Day War.
The results often match the historical Situation. The Egyptians won't respond with AAA or
Aircraft launches until the first Israeli bomb is dropped, but it is still a challenge for
the Israelis to escape with limited losses.

Israeli side is only playable at this time.
Suggestions for improvement are welcome.

Thanks, JT

Sardaukar -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/27/2014 12:34:05 PM)


I was thinking of trying to do this, but no time.

Sardaukar -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/27/2014 3:31:20 PM)

Well..tried it few times. With ordnance available, one has to be very lucky to close Runway and 2x Runway-grade Taxiways. If that is not done with first pass, it's basically game over.

With 6 tries I never managed to take out more than two of those 3. After that, SAMs/AAA/MiGs eat you alive if you stick around.

Best I managed was Average: 30

SIDE: Israeli Air Force

1x Ouragan

8x Condib 70
96x SNEB 68mm Rocket
24x EU.2 250kg GPB
24x 20mm Hispano Mk5 x 2 Burst [50 rnds]

SIDE: Egyptian Air Force

3x MiG-21F-13 Fishbed C
1x Runway (2600m)
1x Runway-Grade Taxiway (900m)

6x 30mm NR-30 Burst [10 rnds]

SIDE: United States



JTurbine -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/27/2014 3:51:32 PM)

1. Take out some of the parking pads. Not all Migs will attempt to Launch.
2. Don't allow your aircraft to RTB Winchester (Disable that Setting). They will hang around and strafe.
The Large Caliber AAA burns thru its ammo quickly. Your pilots will avoid the smaller caliber AAA sites when they detect them.
3. Time your attacks to hit one after the other (see the reference Website).
4. Spoiler: Points are awarded for destroying the parking pads. You loose Points for your aircraft destroyed.
5. Even if you don't destroy the Runway, Taxiway or Access Points, if your aircraft are strafing, you will catch Migs as they
attempt to Launch.
6. Vautours and Mystères have Rockets - very damaging to aircraft on the runway or Taxiway.

Try These tactics. If it's still too hard, I will take out some of the Mig Launch attempts and AAA.

Good Luck, JT

PS, Thanks for Playing!!!

Sardaukar -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/27/2014 4:30:59 PM)

Average: 20

SIDE: Israeli Air Force

2x Ouragan
1x Vautour II N
1x Vautour II BR

32x EU.2 250kg GPB
37x 20mm Hispano Mk5 x 2 Burst [50 rnds]
104x SNEB 68mm Rocket
8x Condib 70

SIDE: Egyptian Air Force

5x MiG-21F-13 Fishbed C
2x Mi-4M Hound B
1x MiG-15UTI Fagot
4x A/C Open Parking Spot (1x Medium Aircraft)
1x Runway-Grade Taxiway (900m)
1x Runway (2600m)

27x 14.5mm/79 ZPU-4 Quad Burst [120 rnds]
64x 57mm S60 HE
5x AA-2a Atoll [R-3S]

Basically..without preventing MiG-21s to get airborne, you are toast, 8 tries. Cannot win after they take off... AAA is not the issue, MiGs are.

Sardaukar -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/27/2014 4:39:42 PM)

Average: 70

SIDE: Israeli Air Force


32x EU.2 250kg GPB
32x 20mm Hispano Mk5 x 2 Burst [50 rnds]
132x SNEB 68mm Rocket
8x Condib 70
1x 30mm DEFA 552 x 2 Burst [50 rnds]

SIDE: Egyptian Air Force

1x Mi-4M Hound B
2x MiG-21F-13 Fishbed C
1x MiG-15UTI Fagot
1x Runway (2600m)
4x A/C Open Parking Spot (1x Medium Aircraft)

I give up.

JTurbine -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/27/2014 4:55:46 PM)

Don't Give Up!!

Ok, I removed some of the Mig Launch attempts. Now, bomb and strafe most of the Parking Pads, the Migs will be sitting on them.

Also, if you want to adjust it further, open in the Editor and Change the probablility of occurrence for the Events.

Sardaukar -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/27/2014 4:55:55 PM)

Never mind, figured out the problem.

JTurbine -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/27/2014 5:00:13 PM)

I did not have good luck with the Mission Auto planner. It worked only one time, then after that,
it failed to generate a pre-plotted course.

I do not use it, for the most part.

Below is an example of one test. High score, but excessive losses.

Note the quantity of 20mm cannon Bursts.

SIDE: Israeli Air Force

4x Mystere IVA
7x Ouragan

144x SNEB 68mm Rocket
8x Condib 70
31x 30mm DEFA 552 x 2 Burst [50 rnds]
30x EU.2 250kg GPB
479x 20mm Hispano Mk5 x 2 Burst [50 rnds]
116x TBA 68mm Rocket

SIDE: Egyptian Air Force

16x MiG-21F-13 Fishbed C
20x A/C Open Parking Spot (1x Medium Aircraft)
3x Mi-4M Hound B
1x Runway-Grade Taxiway (900m)
1x Building (Control Tower)
1x MiG-15UTI Fagot
2x Runway Access Point (Large Aircraft)

200x 57mm S60 HE
268x 14.5mm/79 ZPU-4 Quad Burst [120 rnds]
10x 30mm NR-30 Burst [10 rnds]

SIDE: United States



Sardaukar -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/27/2014 6:16:27 PM)

This time managed to get my planes to stick around...and Minor defeat: 0

SIDE: Israeli Air Force

2x Ouragan
1x Mystere IVA
1x Vautour II N

32x EU.2 250kg GPB
368x 20mm Hispano Mk5 x 2 Burst [50 rnds]
8x Condib 70
144x SNEB 68mm Rocket
22x 30mm DEFA 552 x 2 Burst [50 rnds]

SIDE: Egyptian Air Force

1x Runway-Grade Taxiway (900m)
3x 14.5mm/79 ZPU-4 Quad
6x MiG-21F-13 Fishbed C
1x MiG-15UTI Fagot
1x Mi-4M Hound B
2x Runway Access Point (Large Aircraft)

200x 57mm S60 HE
135x 14.5mm/79 ZPU-4 Quad Burst [120 rnds]
12x 30mm NR-30 Burst [10 rnds]
2x AA-2a Atoll [R-3S]

Just not working for me. [:(] Not making a dent with that ammo expenditure and when MiGs get into fray, it's all over then.

JTurbine -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/27/2014 7:06:14 PM)

Try to Keep the Mystéres in reserve to handle the Migs after they drop their bombs, they are better
at air-to-air than the Ouragons.

Also, the Vautour IIN will fire rockets at the MIGS!! Not historically accurate, but fun to watch!

It takes a lot of micro-managing, to shift the fighter's priority from ATG to ATA, but stick
with it!

About half of the Israeli aircraft lost in the example I posted were ATA, but if you Keep at it,
the Migs will go down. Then you can strafe and bomb without interference.

Also, try turning off all Mig Launch Events in the Editor if you want to practice.

Thanks for the Feedback!!

Sardaukar -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/27/2014 7:37:41 PM)

Not having much fun, every time MiGs get to air, it's Game Over. There are only 4 Mysteres with even slight chance against them and they are pain in ass to micromanage and they cannot protect Ouragans.

Fun losing 9 Ouragans in minute after first attack run to 6 MiGs that appear suddenly. I don't think this is for me, since there is no way to prevent that.

JTurbine -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/27/2014 8:31:21 PM)

Hi Sardaukar,
Thanks at least for trying it. Can you post your Log file? I tried to turn off the Mig Launch
Events, but maybe they are launching anyway? If possible maybe your last autosave too.

Thanks again, your Input has helped and maybe I can improve my future efforts!!

Sardaukar -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/28/2014 7:53:33 AM)

I get them launching every time, that's why I lose those planes. Last log is not much use, since I started to fiddle with editor, but I check. Most of enemy kills are by 30mm cannons from MiGs with some AA-2 kills added. Usually Ouragans (and often recon Vautour).

I give it more tries [8D] This is tough one. [:D]

I think AAA etc. are fine, just maybe needs less MiGs. I am decidedly underwhelmed with 70kg anti-runway bombs in Mysteres. Tried in editor with 20 Mysteres armed like that with Ace level and still could not close the AF (runway and 2 runway grade taxiways, targeted only those with 20 Muysteres). After that it'd be only AAA etc. to worry about.

Jorm -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/28/2014 10:37:17 AM)

well done on your 1st scenario.

Ive played it quite a few times as Sardaukar has. ive donw manual mission planning each time, best score i got was 40 so far :-)

I think id best go check out the link you gave

looking forward to more scenarios from you

JTurbine -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/28/2014 7:33:02 PM)

Hi Guys,
Thanks for giving this Scenario a go. I will try reducing the Mig Launch probabilities again
(after all, the Egyptian pilots were in the middle of their breakfast...). In the actual Situation,
only two or three Migs got airborne, but they were brought down quickly.

As a side note, the Israeli Mossad arranged the defection of an Iraqi Mig 21 Pilot (along
with his aircraft) in 1966:


The Israeli pilots trained in tactics to dogfight the Mig 21, using 007 as a test bed. That is one reason they were so
successful during the six day war.

Please stick with the Scenario and try different strategies. Also, check out the links and
learn about the history, there were a lot of great pilots on both sides of this conflict.

Thanks again, JT

thewood1 -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/28/2014 10:40:09 PM)

About to try this...but quick question. Did you use any side-based training/experience settings to lower Egyptian capabilities?

Sardaukar -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/29/2014 8:13:52 AM)

Yes, Egyptians are Cadet, Israelis Veteran. But even those Cadet MiGs are really dangerous.

JTurbine -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (4/29/2014 9:13:10 PM)

One more Try,

I Adjusted the Launch probabilities and delayed the Mission start times for the Migs. Now you won't get swarmed, at least. In this game, I only had to deal with two Groups (4 Migs):
05.06.1967 05:40:20 - : Event: 'Egyptian Defense 1' has been fired.
05.06.1967 05:40:20 - : Event: 'Egyptian Defense 2' was triggered but did NOT fire (failed probability check).
05.06.1967 05:40:20 - : Event: 'Egyptian Defense 3' was triggered but did NOT fire (failed probability check).
05.06.1967 05:40:20 - : Event: 'Egyptian Defense 4' was triggered but did NOT fire (failed probability check).
05.06.1967 05:40:20 - : Event: 'Egyptian Defense 5' has been fired.
05.06.1967 05:40:20 - : Event: 'Egyptian Defense 6' was triggered but did NOT fire (failed probability check).
05.06.1967 05:40:20 - : Event: 'Egyptian Defense 7' was triggered but did NOT fire (failed probability check).
05.06.1967 05:40:20 - : Event: 'Egyptian Defense 8' was triggered but did NOT fire (failed probability check).

I was able to get a good score, but again, losses were high:

7x Ouragan
1x Mystere IVA

SIDE: Egyptian Air Force

16x MiG-21F-13 Fishbed C
18x A/C Open Parking Spot (1x Medium Aircraft)
5x Runway Access Point (Large Aircraft)
3x Mi-4M Hound B
1x Building (Control Tower)
1x MiG-15UTI Fagot

If the original Version is too tough, try this one:

JTurbine -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (5/11/2014 9:46:16 AM)

Bumped to top, to allow download of new Scenario in Post #1.

Dimitris -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (12/10/2014 8:14:54 AM)

Can this scenario be added to the community pack?

Meroka37 -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (12/10/2014 5:46:22 PM)

If the scenario is ready please post it here http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3618478

Dimitris -> RE: New Scenario for Testing - "Six Day War - Operation Moked" (8/13/2015 8:13:11 AM)

Is this ready for release?

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