jlward2009 -> RE: Matrix JT Battleground OOB Question (5/9/2014 2:50:27 AM)
Okay - I'm going to partially answer my own question. According to some information I've stumbled across in the last 15 minutes after months of searching, here is the way the Matrix Battleground OOBs are constructed - UnitDescription = U [UnitStrength] [QualityRating] [UnitType] [UnitWeapon] [UnitPicture] [State] [UnitName] LeaderDescription = L [CommandRating] [LeadershipRating] [Aggressiveness Rating] [LeaderName] GunboatDescription = G [UnitStrength] [QualityRating] Z [UnitPicture] [GunboatName] SupplyUnit = S [UnitStrength] [UnitPicture] Supply Wagon Please note that the last number in the unit description in the Matrix Battleground OOBs refers to the STATE where the unit was formed, and that state is found on the ICONS2D.BMP file. Evidently, none, I repeat NONE, of the information in the Matrix Battleground OOBs has any connection to the way the units are portrayed on the map. I still don't have a clue how that's done. As a side note, and an improvement in my opinion, the HPS OOBs link directly to a unit line in one of the 3DUnits100x bmp files.