RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (Full Version)

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Rattlesnake8 -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (9/2/2014 4:25:37 AM)

I'm really glad old CC fans are being kept in mind with the move to a 3D engine. Looking great so far, it'll be a day one buy for me. I can't wait to play the campaign.

geozero -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (9/28/2014 8:28:43 PM)

Looks really good.

wodin -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (9/29/2014 10:59:40 AM)

I'd love to see this game compete with Graviteams series..Muis front is looking sTunning. CC was my first love and was only knocked of my No1 (CC2) RTS list recently by APOS.

Multi story buildings really should have been a feature as many tactical games don't have this. Sewer movement aswell. If I was designing a new tactical game I'd be looking at much asked for features from other tactical games and if any hadn't been done or done well would make sure my game had it.

Gun_Pierson -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (11/15/2014 7:10:13 PM)

Those alpha screenshots look very promising and I'm very hopeful. That said you don't need all lip service, you need some critical feedback as well so here I go:

I absolutely hate the unit icons and it was the main reason why I didn't buy CC games after CC5. Those standard Nato icons are a missed opportunity to add historical athmosphere to the game. It also screams 'cheapness' as it seems you can't afford artists or pay for copyrighted pictures to use as icons like many of the great mod makers did in previous games in the CC series like eg. Stalingrad mods by Pzjager, those icons take you in the game and era by just looking at them. I hope you don't let me wait to buy the game till a good mod with cool icons comes out.

I know those screenshots were from the alpha stage a while ago, and even though it looks neat, houses are not dirty enough sorta speak. They're too clean and perfect. I realise these are details, but those often make the difference.

Skins for tanks are a bit boring in the screenshots. But they were boring in CC4 and CC5 as well. Camouflage patterns etc would be nice. I would even pay for them if they would come in a little add-on you can buy or not. Just an idea you know.

Regarding the interface, I hope it's also possible to have the old school unit bar at the bottom.

That's all for now and I hope you can appreciate the feedback and I wish the team all the best.



Platoon_Michael -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (2/18/2015 5:03:24 PM)


Is there anything that can be shared?


zakblood -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (2/18/2015 5:39:43 PM)

i'm sure as soon as they have something for us, we will get it[;)]

Platoon_Michael -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (3/4/2015 5:46:00 PM)

Does anybody Other than zakblood have something to update us with?

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (3/6/2015 11:25:57 AM)

Just a point. Who is zakblood? with all my respect, he does not look as a member from the team making the game and he has not any relation with with Matrixgames or Slitherine.

About the game, one Slitherine member told at Steam GTC forums how we can expect news relatively soon

However, relatively soon can be at three months or a year. Just I remember how the unique two screenshots from the power tactics preview were made after the Matrixgames reunion from the past year where usually they show new proyects and other times, this reunion was made at May.

SteveMcClaire -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (3/6/2015 7:40:49 PM)

Hi guys,

It is mostly of question of what we show, when. Showing the community a work-in-progress can be tricky -- If we show something too early, with placeholder graphics or an unpolished UI, we will likely be hammered for it.

I can tell you that the AI work and the new UI implementation are the main work items right now. I think the new UI is going to be great, and hope you'll agree once we have something polished enough to show screenshots. But for the moment, I'll have to ask for your patience. :)



Nomada_Firefox -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (3/6/2015 9:39:03 PM)

Do not be worried, I will not hammer you if you show a screenshot from some unfinished. However, I like how interest you put in the work and how you want show us one finished work.

zakblood -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (3/7/2015 6:18:54 AM)

Nomada_Firefox and others, i'm a user same as most of you and never said or implied / posted i was anything other than what i am, but no worries meant or implied either, if for some reason i have lead anyone to believe i was from somewhere im not then hopefully this will put things straight, i just sign up for all the beta as i have lots of free time, a testing room with quite a few different pc's and operating systems and 20+ years of IT support behind me and do love a good war game tbh, with over 30+ years of war gaming...

i'm not staff anywhere and tbh all staff or developers have it in their signature as well so anybody else can at a glance see who and from where they are from, on any board so hopefully i don't seem or imply anything other than being over enthusiastic and trying to be helpful, sorry if it doesn't come over that way, it may be my age and sense of humour or lack of it, aged 48 this year[;)]

is it my sig that's misleading maybe? does that imply something it's not, as i have re read my posts here and never said i was on this beta, but does my sig make others think that maybe i am? i will remove it as tbh it was only something i found on the internet and makes no difference to me, but if it confusers others i'd be better off without it[:D]

happy gaming everyone and also look forward to more infor on the game once more has been released[&o][&o][&o]

ps, edited number 3...

my post count for my join date is high, as most i'd say 90+% is all on hidden forum posts, but as i've done more over on the others boards, it's higher there than here, and all was joined at the same time, while some says it's useful posts, others may say spam, but if it helps i'll keep on doing it, like my AAR etc etc, also known now as zakbot reports[:D]

TIK -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (3/7/2015 11:43:43 AM)

@zakblood - I'll admit, when Michael said "Does anybody Other than zakblood have something to update us with?" for a second I thought you were a new employee - even though I knew you weren't! It wasn't anything you did, it was more of what Michael said. If you're concerned it might happen again (your post count is high!), best thing to do is get a non-Matrix avatar

@everyone else - I'm happy for Steve and crew not to reveal anything until it's ready. I'd encourage them to let us know now and then how progress is going, but otherwise I don't think we should pressure them into revealing things before it's clear those things will be as they are in the finished product.

zakblood -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (3/7/2015 2:03:07 PM)

i don't need a sig, i know who i am[:D][;)]

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (3/7/2015 2:13:38 PM)

Umm.....I have not said this but a list, only a text list with the features from the new game would make the wait more comfortable.

Q.M -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (3/12/2015 9:03:25 PM)

Looks good Steve.


sepp3gd -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (8/6/2015 9:47:00 PM)

I don't like it. The graphics in Gateway to Caen look much better. As far as gameplay, should be really cool in 3D. The hand drawn maps are beautiful...

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (8/7/2015 1:10:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: sepp3gd

I don't like it. The graphics in Gateway to Caen look much better. As far as gameplay, should be really cool in 3D. The hand drawn maps are beautiful...

By two screenshots from a very alpha do not know what you are saying.......clearly this new 3D CC will be very superior at graphics to the older. We do not speak about the terrain or the UI which it will be different to these two screenshots, we speak from explosions, effects and more. There are a lot of graphic features which you can see at a 3D game made with unity3D and never you saw at a 2D game.

sepp3gd -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (8/11/2015 7:13:56 AM)


By two screenshots from a very alpha do not know what you are saying.......clearly this new 3D CC will be very superior at graphics to the older. We do not speak about the terrain or the UI which it will be different to these two screenshots, we speak from explosions, effects and more. There are a lot of graphic features which you can see at a 3D game made with unity3D and never you saw at a 2D game.

I agree with what you just wrote every bit except that I change
"By two screenshots from a very alpha do not know what you are saying"
"You know what you are saying only by two screenshots from a very alpha version." [:D]

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (8/11/2015 10:39:09 PM)

I agree, your version is more correct.

Biffa -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (8/22/2015 11:59:41 PM)

Well this has cheered me up a bit after logging on to find Caen 50% and I bought it full price just last week!

The original AI was always criticised for not being aggressive enough, there was a work around but it wasn't ideal, let's hope this version will take us to task when we mess up, looking forward to updates!

prjw73 -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (3/29/2016 9:33:57 PM)

Steve, what is stopping you from posting more screenshots? Surely most of the interface screens should be finished?

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (3/31/2016 1:10:29 PM)

Clearly the game is from publishers Slitherine. If I do not remember bad, the Close Combat series are one of the few games developed at this moment by Slitherine. All the others are made by other people and Slitherine sells their support to them.

SteveMcClaire -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (4/4/2016 11:18:57 PM)


Steve, what is stopping you from posting more screenshots? Surely most of the interface screens should be finished?

Development of the game has seen some technical changes of late, but is moving forward and I will post screenshots when we have something to show.


Tactics -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (4/6/2016 12:19:46 AM)

How could you not have something to show? It's been years - your initial release was planned for no later than the end of 2014. Define "technical changes of late".

TDefender -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (4/6/2016 4:34:01 PM)

yes, just one screenshot after almost 2 years [8|]... now probably and simply:

1) The game was announced much too early
2) The game is a lot far to be released

Maybe a title related to the glourious "Close Combat" saga would have deserved another kind of attention (same as for TOAW IV imho). C'est la vie. [8D]

SteveMcClaire -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (4/11/2016 9:36:42 PM)

As discussed previously in these forums, the decision to release screenshots is not mine alone. This is something being discussed with Slitherine/Matrix. So I can't just screenshot the game and post it for you.


stoker77 -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (4/18/2016 2:47:04 PM)

I have been logging on here each month for 2 years to make sure I dont miss the Beta. At this stage I am ready to give up. Is there anyway to create an early list of beta testers? For now its Cross of Iron with Mods that's keeping me going. I much prefer the old system of keeping the same units and individual soldiers. I like to see the kills each rack up and really make sure to save my units when playing CC2 and CC3. I don't much like everything from CC4 onwards even though I have bought each game with CD ( for an outrageous price I might add). I will wait like everyone else but If I delayed two years on a project where I work the project would either be cancelled or I would be fired..

Gripen -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (4/18/2016 7:56:39 PM)

I am looking forward to this but to be honest;
- Not having multi floor buildings like we had in all the CC2 and later games is in my opinion a GIGANTIC step back and was something you would really consider for scouting/sniping/mg placement. Is this compensated?
- Windows in all building walls, isn't it like WAY more realistic to not have that like in real life?
- I was looking at screenshots and I couldn't spot any difference in height of the land, is that not in the game?

As for the textures in those screenshots, I'm just gonna assume these are alpha textures;)

I also read that it is basically developed for the PC and iPad, does that have any disadvantages for the PC version?

Just wanna make sure you understand, I really look forward to the game, it's just I'm worried :D keep up the good work!

SteveMcClaire -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (4/19/2016 12:27:13 AM)


- Windows in all building walls, isn't it like WAY more realistic to not have that like in real life?

This is primarily an abstraction for gameplay. The main reason is because it is very hard for the player to tell where a building's windows and doors are. And if you can't tell where your troops can fire out of a building, or where they have to move to in order to enter/exit a building, this can be frustrating.


- I was looking at screenshots and I couldn't spot any difference in height of the land, is that not in the game?

Yes, terrain elevation does vary. The screenshots were for a Gela / Sicily map, which is a coastal plan. Even that has some variation, though. Just nothing very dramatic.


I also read that it is basically developed for the PC and iPad, does that have any disadvantages for the PC version?

The original development plan called for PC and iPad. iPad is no longer a target platform for initial release, but may still happen at some point.


Stwa -> RE: Screenshots over at Pocket Tactics (5/13/2016 9:45:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: Steve McClaire

As discussed previously in these forums, the decision to release screenshots is not mine alone. This is something being discussed with Slitherine/Matrix. So I can't just screenshot the game and post it for you.


So, are you bragging or complaining?

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