hb921 -> RE: Mirracle on carrier deck? (5/17/2014 8:56:25 PM)
Well, not exactly. Number given is time to finish operation. So it cauth wire 2 seconds ago, while aircrafts started to be moved to catapults 3 seconds ago. If you claim such perfect coordination is possible, I have even beter below - all 4 catapults are nearly exactly half way in launch sequence (it takes 80 seconds to launch, 39 of them have passed), and plane just catched arresting wire... (competing landing takes 30 seconds - it just started with other aircraft siting on waist catapult). It look like there is no logic preventing simultaneous use of this two facilities. [image]local://upfiles/48522/A42171CFE15241EDB709DA3096462C0F.jpg[/image]