RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (Full Version)

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Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/28/2014 11:10:15 AM)

Fusion Ignition research is complete. All ships and bases have been redesigned with NovaCore Reactors that use Hydrogen rather than Caslon. Unusually no split between fuels was implemented as Caslon stock is very low (primarily due to having built so many Exploration Ships) but almost 100k of Hydrogen is available. Bases retrofitted to have 10 Shields and 10 Armour. The next Energy Research target is Accelerated Construction then Deucalios Shields to get ready for the great Pirate hunt.

Enhanced Hyperdrive Research bonus received from retiring a recovered Destroyer from Exploration.

50 Exploration ships are now in action and very soon after this another 30 Exploration ships start construction. Exploration micro has changed. Since everything nearby has been scouted where a mining station might be placed in the near future, the focus is ruins, potential colonies and other items of interest.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/28/2014 11:12:14 AM)

A Small Research Station at the nearby +29% Energy Bonus Location is complete along with transferred Scientists. All bonuses from the Scientists stack along with the bonus location ... +74% Energy research is the highlight.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/28/2014 11:12:46 AM)

While multiple mines for most Strategic resources are now available, nearby sources for the two remaining Strategic resources are too close to Pirate bases. Resources are definitely more scarce in Universe which is great! Where possible those mines are restricted to a couple of systems and preferably far away from Pirates bases.

The Explorers have found:

1. Two debris fields. A small fleet has been dispatched to clear out the Giant Kaltors to open the debris fields up for Construction ships to start recovery (once resource supplies are in good shape).

2. Lots of new Pirates and so a bunch of Empire Contacts have been purchased and also sold various technologies. Available cash is almost 1000k.

3. The Zentabia Fluid Super Luxury on a Volcanic Planet. Unfortunately it's too far away to use the Colony ship found earlier due to Colonisation range limits.

4. A lost colony (2M) was discovered near my homeworld. Unfortunately it's in a system with a Pirate base so this will need to be cleared first.

A couple of Exploration ships were destroyed by Pirates and are being rebuilt.

Is it just this game or are there now less recoverable high technology ships dotted around the galaxy? If so, it was probably a good idea.

Started building some Troops, an Armour Factory and 2 Troop Transports for future invasion plans e.g. an independent to get to the Zentabia Fluid.

Jim D Burns -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/28/2014 12:15:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Icemania
Is it just this game or are there now less recoverable high technology ships dotted around the galaxy? If so, it was probably a good idea.

Pirates get most of them in pre-warp games, by the time you head out very few remain unclaimed.


Jim D Burns -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/28/2014 12:22:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Icemania
At this stage I ensure all resources in all systems are known to help plan future mining stations.

In pre-warp games, I tend to build a mine on every possible resource location I can no matter how poor it is. Your private sector can handle the cost of the mines and all the extra civilian ships built to service the low % mines you build are a good reserve fleet to help lift more cargo while your ships are slow. Later you can disband low production % mines, but early on you want as large a civilian fleet as possible.


Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/28/2014 12:41:05 PM)




ORIGINAL: Icemania
At this stage I ensure all resources in all systems are known to help plan future mining stations.

In pre-warp games, I tend to build a mine on every possible resource location I can no matter how poor it is. Your private sector can handle the cost of the mines and all the extra civilian ships built to service the low % mines you build are a good reserve fleet to help lift more cargo while your ships are slow. Later you can disband low production % mines, but early on you want as large a civilian fleet as possible.


That maybe true but once I have a good supply of Strategic Resources, additional sources don't add anything to the expansion program, so I place a higher priority on repairing ships from debris fields due to the technology boosts they provide.

On these settings I build mining stations that are mini-fortresses so they can become very expensive if you build too many.

Is the number of private sector ships a function of the number of mining bases? Can't say I've looked that closely ... ?

Jim D Burns -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/28/2014 12:51:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: Icemania
That maybe true but once I have a good supply of Strategic Resources, additional sources don't add anything to the expansion program, so I place a higher priority on repairing ships from debris fields due to the technology boosts they provide.

On these settings I build mining stations that are mini-fortresses so they can become very expensive if you build too many.

Is the number of private sector ships a function of the number of mining bases? Can't say I've looked that closely ... ?

When you build a new mining base the private sector builds ships to service it, how many I'm not sure, but I definitely see a big surge in private vessels after I queue up and build lots of mines. You can always build a lot of cheap bases early and get your private economy fleet done, then redesign the bases you want to keep and scrap the low percentage bases. Your economy runs a lot smoother early on if you beef up the private sector fleet this way.


Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/28/2014 1:03:21 PM)

Yes but what happens after X mining stations. Let's say I build 30 mining stations early game and you built 60? What would be the difference in the number of private ships all other things being equal?

This old post from Jeeves is interesting but I am not sure how it works early game.


The private sector buys 7 small, 5 medium, 3 large freighters, 1.5 passenger ships per colony once you have a few dozen colonies. They stop buying mining and gas mining ships once you have 40 of them.

Jim D Burns -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/28/2014 1:39:16 PM)

Never actually tracked things, now you've got me thinking I remembered things wrong, though I'm pretty sure I had WAY more than 15 private sector ships servicing my pre-warp planet last time I played one, so all my built mines must have been the cause of the build up. Next time I'm in game I'll have to do a one planet start and pay closer attention.


Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/28/2014 2:23:35 PM)

Jeeves provided a late game formula ... what was interesting was that it was based on maximum population only. I have 84 private ships in my current game with just my homeworld (6.36M, Development 105%) and 19 mines but I'm not sure what influences that number. Does Population or Development also play a role?

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/28/2014 3:44:12 PM)

Biological Workshop research has started. Crash research is underway in all three fields.

The Explorers have found:

1. A World Destroyer debris field and a recovered ship which was used to clear out the Space Monsters.

2. Two other advanced ships with 200+ firepower.

3. Two ruin discovery events for lost ships in exactly the same location which turned out to be two Pirate ships. That poor Explorer lasted 5 seconds ...

4. Found a source of Deneba Crystal as a new to Distant Worlds Universe Super Luxury.

5. Also released some Silvermist ... not sure who is nearby but you are doomed .. and another Explorer that will last 5 seconds but that is as expected.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/28/2014 3:46:12 PM)

One of the recovered advanced ships was used to found the previously mentioned Lost colony (4M population due to another Ruin event) and is defending it from a nearby Pirate base.

Shockwave Torpedo research is now underway with crash research funded.

Now in contact with all Empires on the map and selling technology wherever possible.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/29/2014 2:04:14 PM)

Seven Construction Ships are now heading to Debris fields to start repairs. New Construction Ships will continue to build for some time yet to speed up those repairs.

Explorers have found 2 colony ships, 3 advanced military ships and a second World Destroyer debris field.

Accelerated Construction Research is now complete and started building the Bakuras Shipyards Wonder.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/29/2014 2:05:34 PM)

Some of the advanced ships commence destroying Pirates. Independent Colonies are like moths to a flame!

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/29/2014 2:06:42 PM)

A couple of Lost Colonies have been found from Exploration. Exploration has revealed some more advanced ships including another 2 colony ships so there will be 4 new colonies soon. Each colony will be defended with some of the advanced ships found from Exploration. Starbases are being built rather than Spaceports to ensure my homeworld resources are maximised for upcoming construction.

The 3rd Fleet contains four of those advanced ships and is attacking Pirate bases.

The 5th Fleet is on the way to invade a world that will allow me to colonise the Zentabia Fluid planet (due to Colonisation range limits).

The 4th Fleet has cleared another Debris Field of space monsters and is heading home for repairs.

The 1st Fleet will be retrofit with Shockwave Torpedoes and Size 400 once available and then it will become the first home grown Pirate Extermination Fleet.

Now that Caslon stocks have recovered, all Private Economy ships have been redesigned with Caslon Fuel Reactors, to ensure fuel is available for coming military expansion.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/30/2014 11:09:59 AM)

The last known Pirate Base of the local Venomous Claw Authority is under attack by a fleet of 5 recovered advanced ships.

Armoured Factories are being built on 4 Lost Colonies (i.e. each with population 2M or more so they build faster than new colonies) and when ready there will be mass production of Armour (i.e. not just at my homeworld).

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/30/2014 11:10:51 AM)

Shockwave Torpedoes are complete and all designs upgraded. Starbases, Spaceports and Mining Bases all retrofitted to have at least 10 Torpedoes. First Fleet retrofit underway and a new Fleet has also started Construction. In the meantime the odd temporary Protection Agreement from Pirates is still needed.

Advanced Medicomplex Construction is underway (Bakuras Shipyards at 84%). Enhanced Research is the next High Tech target (for the Ruslan Wonder) then Open Trade Network (for Traders Bazaar Wonder).

14 Construction Ships are now available with more on the way. Only a couple of Construction Ships are left building strategic mines e.g. a Gas Mining Station near the Zentabia Fluid planet so Defence ships can refuel etc.

Currently have 8 Colonies with 3 Colony Ships heading towards their targets.

The Explorers found another source of Zentabia Fluid right at the edge of the galaxy map (so out of range for a while) and another 2 batches of galactic refugees i.e. 2 colony ships, 2 frigates and 2 cruisers. What is interesting is that I have still not found Way of the Ancients or any Super Weapons. Are the most critical discoveries closer to the edge of the galaxy map in Universe? This is where the majority of my Explorers are now ...

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/30/2014 2:15:00 PM)

The First Home Grown Fleet is attacking a Pirate Base ... with plenty of fuel to keep prowling.

The Explorers found a source for the Korabbian Spice Super Luxury (again on the edge of the galaxy map) and another 2 batches of galactic refugees. As the Korabbian Spice is out of range, sent an Troop Transport to invade a juicy independent, with a colony ship waiting to colonise it (with a recovered defence ship as escort).

Bakuras Shipyard is complete, Advanced Medicomplex now underway.

Grotius -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/31/2014 12:39:16 AM)

I just love those screenshots in which all ship vectors center on your homeworld. They're almost like art. But what's going on in those? Are those explorers all shooting outward from your system at the same time?

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/31/2014 2:32:17 AM)

Yes indeed! The screenshot in Post 33 shows about 30 Explorers that have just finished Construction. They are heading to the more distant sectors of the galaxy to get ahead of the current wave of 50 Explorers.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/31/2014 9:38:48 AM)

Deucalios Shield Research is complete and designs upgraded. The 6th Fleet (the 2nd Home Grown Pirate Extermination Fleet) is being retrofitted accordingly as well as all Bases (a lot of the previous upgrades are not complete ... they will be upgrading almost continuously for a while). The next Energy Research target is LargeScale Construction to provide Size 500 Ships.

A ship has been sent to each of the more distant debris fields to clear out Space Monsters and also a defence ship to each of the World Destroyer debris field locations. Now have 17 Construction Ships.

Galaxy exploration (for anything interesting) is close to completion and any damaged Explorer is returning to base for retrofit.

The destruction of the nearest 4 Pirate Bases has provided some Fleet Admirals. Those with good skills were retained and the others were dismissed.

Pirates are of course still a problem at times though ... just paid off this mob ...

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/31/2014 9:40:04 AM)

This Pirate didn't expect a Mining Station to have 10 Shockwave Torpedoes and 10 Deucalios Shields!

Invaded a nearby independent. Reputation remains Satisfactory since recent Pirate victories have improved Reputation to compensate.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/31/2014 9:41:11 AM)

The vast majority of Exploration ships are now returning home for retrofit as galactic exploration is essentially complete. Most will go on Automatic now to explore anything low interest while some will go in Fleets ... very happy to see the end of all that micro! Intelligence agent is trying to steal Long Range Scanners which will be installed on all Explorers and Mining Bases.

Note Way of the Ancients, Way of Darkness and Super Weapons are not discoverable via ruins in the Ancient Galaxy Theme.

Cashflow is -$431k but technology selling will more than compensate ...

The 7th Fleet (the 3nd Home Grown Pirate Extermination Fleet) is almost ready for deployment.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/31/2014 9:43:04 AM)

Invaded another independent which allowed me to colonise a second planet with the Zentabia Fluid Super Luxury. The source found for Korabbian Spice requires Desert Colonisation Research and one of the sources for Deneba Crystal has Silvermist so they will have to wait for the moment.

All 13 colonies are defended by an advanced ship recovered via Exploration and are reasonably busy on Pirate defence.

2 colony ships are still travelling towards their targets ... one has the Energy Engineering Facility which provides a +50% bonus to Energy Research (research to get to the wonder that provides the same bonus is a while away yet so this will be useful).

The 1st Fleet encountered some Pirates with some advanced ships and took some damage so they are on the way to retrofit to the latest design.

The Fleet Admirals so far ended up having several negative traits/skills so they have been dismissed!

Unfortunately I have encountered a bug where Mining Stations loose orbit with their planets/moons so will need to rebuild the majority of Stations. Does anybody know what causes this?

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/31/2014 1:35:31 PM)

Advanced Medicomplex is complete which will greatly speed up homeworld population growth (which is only at about 9B despite being at 0% tax since 2105). Rusan Technology Installation (+50% HighTech Research) construction is underway next.

The 6th and 7th Fleets continue to destroy Pirate Bases.

The 1st Fleet is retrofitting to Size 500 which is now available after LargeScale Construction has finished.

The 5th Fleet will be a homeworld invasion fleet and is also being retrofitted with more ships being built.

The 3rd Fleet (with the initial advanced ships) has been disbanded, each ship is going to a different nearby Independent Colony to swat any Pirates that arrive.

The decision to move civilians to Caslon Fuel was useful as my homeworld is running short on Hydrogen (plenty of stock just need the private ships to transport it there).

Some other Mining Stations have lost orbit as well, forcing more rebuilds.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/31/2014 1:38:14 PM)

Colonisation Research is complete, starting to build Colony Ships at 4 Colonies (while Homeworld keeps building Construction Ships).

Building a few dozen Military Ships for Colony Defence.

Long Range Scanner research is underway (will need them now at local Pirate bases found from the first wave of Exploration have all been destroyed).

Starting to use some of the Construction Ships to help new Colonies build Starbases and also to build Mining Stations for Korabbian Spice and Deneba Crystal.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/31/2014 3:54:52 PM)

A sneaky Pirate decided to build 3 Bases right next to my homeworld ...

Long Range Scanners are now in use. My 3 Pirate Extermination Fleets each have an armed Explorer fitted with Long Range Scanners to assist the hunt. Other explorers will be retrofitted as well as some bases.

Found the second source of Korabbian Spice and dispatched a Construction Ship for a Mining Station.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (5/31/2014 3:56:36 PM)

Rusan Technology Installation complete so now have a 50% boost to HighTech Research (along with the previously mentioned 50% Energy Research bonus due to the Energy Engineering Facility).

Mining bases continue to lose orbit and have to be rebuilt ... all 4 Fleets are refuelling but with some difficulty i.e. as a result of this bug.

The last of 30 Construction Ships is being built, after that my homeworld will focus more on Colony Ships.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (6/1/2014 3:11:09 AM)

Typical Colony Defence in action against Pirates using a combination of Defence Ships and Bases.

A recently built colony ship has been sent to a Deneba Crystal source ... the one without Silvermist! Continental and Marshy Swamp Colonisation are now available. Quameno have Ocean Colonisation capability naturally so after Open Trade Networks are finished, Desert Colonisation will be targeted.

Explorers on Auto have found a source of Loros Fruit. The initial exploration micro wave missed a few items!

Still struggling to refuel 2 of my fleets due to the Mining Station bug but thankfully no other Stations have lost orbit.

Icemania -> RE: Extreme Difficulty Universe After Action Report (6/1/2014 3:12:11 AM)

The ground strength of the 5th fleet is now 4000k ... time to launch a homeworld invasion!


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