Cubano -> Suggestion to view resources in systems more easily (5/27/2014 6:05:10 AM)
Hi, I posted this on the Steam forums and I was advised to post it here also I actually have played quite a bit of this game last year prior to it becoming available on Steam but never got around to making this suggestion before (not sure why). But since the game is now on steam and I'll be picking it up again to get the new version, I figured I'd throw it out there. I'm familiar with the Expansion Planner, where there are various ways to list and sort resources as well the Galaxy Map (G key). However, I would love a way to more easily see the resources that are available in a system per orbital body (once it is explored of course). When you select a system on the Galaxy Map popup window, as you click on each tiny orbital body in the right side mini-system view, you get the resources available in that body. When you click on the star, you get the list of planets but only one resource (the most abundant I think) listed under some planets/moons, but not all resource across all bodies are shown. There is also a wasted block of space directly under the current planet list. I would suggest that when the sun is selected in the Galaxy map, the right side (under the solar system mini-view) would list all the explored bodies (planets, moons and asteriods) in the system vertically with their resources horizontally next to them. It would make it much easier to plan mining station locations and to prioritize colonization as the explorers do their thing and bring in intel on the systems. [image]local://upfiles/12786/B032A7FA882746B9BD430D3E756E920A.jpg[/image]