Automation and You (Full Version)

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Bingeling -> Automation and You (5/27/2014 1:05:18 PM)

This is an attempt to explain how automating various features may influence the game. Hopefully it is useful for someone.

As a movie the game is pretty boring, automating everything is probably not a good idea.

There is at least one automation option only present in the Option screen. The Empire Policy Screen should have most options and allow you to automate them.

To access options, do for instance "Escape - Options" when viewing the default map view.
To access empire policy press the notebook button at the top of the screen.

Disclaimer, my worst automation attempts has been in older versions.

Empire policy from top to bottom:


It can be a good idea to put "suggest" to be prompted and be made aware of thing. I have not tested automatic diplomacy for a long time, but that was more of an adventure than a good idea. For instance it did not tell me when it declared war.

I think that a "suggest" AI will never suggest to go to war, and for war and peace I am in doubt whether it will respond to every peace offer.

Economy and Trade

Unless you are very experienced, it is not necessary to mess with this.

Intelligence Missions

A prime "suggest" candidate to give reminders. Automating it should not have too nasty side effects. It is a good benefit to steal the operations map for the correct empire according to the war minister's plotting, though.


A 4X with hands off colonization? Suggest is a good option. There is probably quite a lot to gain from placing the correct colonies, but what a good idea is is not a matter for this post.

Colonies - Facility building

Suggest is nice, but tweaking the settings and using automated could be a good option even if otherwise playing fully manual. If you got 30 colonies and research "fortified bunker", there will be 30 suggestions to build fortified bunker, or you have to click through all 30 to build them.

Colonies - Tax Rates

There is probably quite a bit to gain by doing this manually, but leaving it automated is a very valid option. I always automate them.

Research and Design

I prefer manual research and automated design. You can make better designs, but automated designs with some possible manual interfering is a very valid option.

You can un-check specific ship classes here to have the AI designer ignore them.

If you do automated designs and manual research, notice the weapons in the Tech Emphasizes. Those are the ones used on the ships by the AI designer, research those weapons, ignore the others.


I never automate it, but often have it on suggest. I have my own idea on what and how much to build.
Leaving it on suggest allows you to see how much the AI wants to spend on new stuff. I sometimes use this amount to stay within AI limits.

Troop Recruitment

I prefer to automate it, and to sometimes spam troops when needed. One "nasty" feature of automation can be that the AI starts disbanding colony troops when it feels short on cash, which could lead to shaky defenses when you have loaded 30 transports with troops and gone to war.

War and Attacks

If you automate this, do also automate all military ships unless playing as "fleet commander" or similar. I will leave it on suggest mostly to laugh at the AI's suggestions.

But they are not worse than that the AI may spank a new player, and the AI-empires always has all settings at "automated".

Boarding and Capture

This is where to look if you experience that captured ships are instantly scrapped.

Fleet formation

Do you want the AI to set up fleets or not? I never have this on auto.

These are from the options screen

Most here are duplicated with empire policy, these are exceptions:

Colony Population Policies

This is the "assimilate, exterminate, enslave" options. Doing them manually require you to be a bit alert when getting new colonies. If you have specific plans, turn this off.

Character locations

I always automate them as a personal preference. Little is lost, but you will have good troop generals on garrison duty and the best fleet admiral on a fleet that rarely see combat, while those fighting the epic battles got no admiral.

Newly built ships are automated

From options, press Empire Settings. This check-box is near the bottom, and its effect is obvious.

Ship Automation


My style is all manual on military ships. I put defensive posture and minimum range to take all form of initiative away from the fleets. I probably should try a game with postures and less micro management.

Single military ships

The only military ships I run outside fleets are resupply ships. One can have a swarm of automated ships which gives a few ships near any pirate attack, I prefer to manually respond with a fleet.

Another exception is that the AI is good at loading single automated transports with troops.

My games usually end before the empire is giant and spans half the galaxy...

Exploration ships

I don't micro manage them, but can give them specific orders and then automate them. Ships always complete their order when you do this.

Construction ships

It is a perfectly valid option to automate them. You will then mostly ignore the resource side.

I would build extra gas mines on fuel sources this way: I select the source (gas planet or cloud), and press the "queue a construction ship to build a gas mine..." button below the selection panel. Beware that it is always the closest constructor, and if you queue up 10 builds in the same area it could take a while, while other construction ships are idle...

The same works for colonization, research and resort stations.

Please comment...

Osito -> RE: Automation and You (5/27/2014 3:09:35 PM)

Good post; sensible advice. Hopefully Icemania will put this in the Guide to Guides.


Unforeseen -> RE: Automation and You (5/28/2014 12:15:36 PM)

Fleet posture for wars is extremely annoying, it's more fun to micro them.

Also, i ALWAYS have troop recruitment on manual. Aside from the disbanding issue, the AI tends to train too few troops which can lead to colonies being easily over taken.

Bingeling -> RE: Automation and You (5/28/2014 1:16:05 PM)

I think microing war is fun as well, but not all may agree on that :)

The flip side is that I often post small fleets around the empire (borders mostly) to manually use them to mop up the rare pirate visits that happen.

Strange, but during a major war, the defensive fleet left to bust some pirate bases, and the attack message is drowned by the noise of war... And mines will have to be rebuilt.

I have never managed to wait on a posture fleet reacting to a pirate attack. Whether it is wrong settings or just slow responses, I am not sure of.

Unforeseen -> RE: Automation and You (5/28/2014 2:01:16 PM)

I remember the first time i played around with postures lol...i had about a dozen mini security fleets scattered around my empire creating a bubble. I didn't understand how everything worked and when i went to war the AI ordered ALL of them outside of their respective zones to attack the enemy. It also pulled my rear defense fleet, and my border patrols, along with my entire reserve force right onto the front line's...all while i was observing an operations map and not watching my own that was a long time ago xD. The chaos and lack of control of the situation caused me to lose like...ninety percent of my fleet.

Bingeling -> RE: Automation and You (5/28/2014 3:35:59 PM)

It is a peaceful situation, there are long range scanners covering quite a bit (like it will if you have one on spaceports, and spaceports on every colony). I sit around scanning the game map, mostly looking for the grey shape of a pirate ship. How else to catch those construction ships or pirates in general?

The fleet just sits there nearby. There is an "enemy" ship? In your sector? Hello? Kill it?

Chances are that it is just me setting the wrong combination of postures and automation.

Unforeseen -> RE: Automation and You (5/29/2014 2:51:11 AM)

You have to make sure the fleet is set to Defend, and in the case of your example it needs to be set to sector. However generally if your fleet is already engaged in an operation such as refueling or moving to another system it won't switch to engage the target until after its completed it's mission. Unless of course you manually interfere. I'm not exactly sure if an enemy ship is classified as hostile by your fleet even when it does not actually attack you or simply has not reached it's target. Somehow i rarely get attacked, i'm always on the offensive side of the war.

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