RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (Full Version)

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Windfire -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/7/2014 9:06:48 PM)

I have been playing games with the existing game designed ships. In v1.9.5.2 the the ships presented to a player empire for construction in the age of shadows are presenting the player with warships that don't have warp bubble or hyper drive when the player has researched them. Similar problems are occurring with shields and other systems.

Erik Rutins -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/9/2014 2:36:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: jamesm
Can anyone explain why the v1.9.5.2 beta was over 410 meg versus about 15 meg for the official v1.9.5.2 patch?

The beta included some unnecessary redistributable files, which we removed for the official release.

Erik Rutins -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/9/2014 2:36:58 PM)


We still have the modding issue for the planets and overlays. If they are not the same exact size as the vanilla files they do not appear correctly. So far it seems to only be effecting planets and overlays. There are several discussions about this in the moddding sub-forum. A "fix" would be nice so people could use all the older planets and overlays included in the many mods from before.

I fixed the GEM ones, but not any of the others.

I've seen this mentioned, but can you point me to the best discussion for this?


- Erik

Erik Rutins -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/9/2014 2:37:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: gerishnakov
This particular update may have rendered the game unplayable for me. None of the menus display properly now, and as such I am unable to make it past the main menu.

If you would like further details please let me know, but take a look at the image below. Everything's just kind of 'layering'. There's probably a proper term for this problem. If anyone else has any words of guidance please do say!

Yikes, apologies gerishnakov, we'll get this fixed for you ASAP. Clearly an unintended consequence. Could you post a new thread on the tech support forum along with your DxDiag please?


- Erik

Erik Rutins -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/9/2014 2:40:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: Locarnus
The mechanic does not seem to work for the GasMining Ship and the MineralMining Ship as of 1.9.52.

Is the construction size in your testing large enough to allow them to have the warp drive and enough reactors to bring it to maximum speed while still fulfilling their other design requirements? If so, can you please upload a save file for us and post a new thread in the tech support forum?


About the design templates, the GasMiner and MineralMiner seem to eat a lot of fuel in the early game due to their low payload capacity. Thus they spend a lot of fuel for the trip, but stay on station for a relatively short time. I propose increasing their cargohold at least to 2, better 3 cargo bays (while ensuring that they are still buildable, if necessary raising the initial ship building size to 170).

Thanks for the suggestion, we'll definitely consider that.

Erik Rutins -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/9/2014 2:41:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: Locarnus

The whole energy need / energy production is not working.

It just seems to put 1 more reactor on a design, if it does not have enough.

I made a mod which essentially resizes reactors to 1/3rd (in regards to size and production), based on the design template statement that need and production will be balanced by the AI regardless of the number stated in the design templates.

The ai does not balance need/production.
The mod is therefore not working.

Please fix this bug/issue.

We'll investigate - could you post a new thread in the tech support forum and include a link to your mod and a saved game that shows this issue in effect?

Erik Rutins -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/9/2014 2:42:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Windfire
I have been playing games with the existing game designed ships. In v1.9.5.2 the the ships presented to a player empire for construction in the age of shadows are presenting the player with warships that don't have warp bubble or hyper drive when the player has researched them. Similar problems are occurring with shields and other systems.

Have you researched enough of an increase in construction size to fit in the additional components? If you have, please start a new thread in the tech support forum and upload a save file for us to show this in process.

necaradan666 -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/9/2014 3:52:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

I've seen this mentioned, but can you point me to the best discussion for this?


- Erik

Page 7 of the GEM mod thread has a screenshot by Mansen and discussion follows.

Locarnus -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/9/2014 4:08:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


ORIGINAL: Locarnus

The whole energy need / energy production is not working.

It just seems to put 1 more reactor on a design, if it does not have enough.

I made a mod which essentially resizes reactors to 1/3rd (in regards to size and production), based on the design template statement that need and production will be balanced by the AI regardless of the number stated in the design templates.

The ai does not balance need/production.
The mod is therefore not working.

Please fix this bug/issue.

We'll investigate - could you post a new thread in the tech support forum and include a link to your mod and a saved game that shows this issue in effect?

Done, thank you for your support!

Windfire -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/10/2014 4:31:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


ORIGINAL: Windfire
I have been playing games with the existing game designed ships. In v1.9.5.2 the the ships presented to a player empire for construction in the age of shadows are presenting the player with warships that don't have warp bubble or hyper drive when the player has researched them. Similar problems are occurring with shields and other systems.

Have you researched enough of an increase in construction size to fit in the additional components? If you have, please start a new thread in the tech support forum and upload a save file for us to show this in process.

That was the problem, thanks.

stormbringer3 -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/10/2014 2:15:43 PM)

There seems to be a lot of reported issues with v1.9.5.2. I'm playing v1.9.5.1 and it works perfectly. Should I update or wait?
Thanks for any opinions.

Erik Rutins -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/10/2014 2:58:42 PM)

Hi Stormbringer3, works fine for me, but if you are happy with you are certainly welcome to stay with that.

I think we're seeing more reports also because more of the new players are getting farther into the game.


- Erik

Dd_01 -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/10/2014 3:00:03 PM)

It works quite fine for me too. No crashes, no other problems. Great thanks to the devs for their work, actually.

MartialDoctor -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/11/2014 2:17:13 PM)

I just came back to find this update... I must say, this seems to be the patch I've been waiting for (for how long, I'm not sure)!

I look forward to checking it out [:)]

Mad Igor -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/12/2014 2:58:30 PM)

soooo what with the old fonts ??
i rly don't want to update if i can't have them.

DrApostle -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/13/2014 8:32:01 PM)

- enabled scaling of Empire Navigation Tool at screen left - use new size button next to close button in each panel to cycle 3 sizes: normal, large, extra large

Love this!

DrApostle -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/13/2014 8:33:03 PM)

Also just thought of something ...

Each time there is an update, I have to redo my settings. Is there a way to keep the user settings?

Bingeling -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/13/2014 8:54:34 PM)

There are two prefs files in the version folder (one step up from save games). You can probably copy those across.

henri51 -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/13/2014 10:45:34 PM)

Never mind...

AstroCat -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/14/2014 12:44:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


We still have the modding issue for the planets and overlays. If they are not the same exact size as the vanilla files they do not appear correctly. So far it seems to only be effecting planets and overlays. There are several discussions about this in the moddding sub-forum. A "fix" would be nice so people could use all the older planets and overlays included in the many mods from before.

I fixed the GEM ones, but not any of the others.

I've seen this mentioned, but can you point me to the best discussion for this?


- Erik

We talk about it here:

and here:

But really what's up is that if an image is not the same exact size as the vanilla image it gets completely scaled off. It is effecting: planets, overlays and probably more but those I've had to fix by hand.

The other issue is engine thrusters, and lights on ships/bases.
For example the engine thrusters and lights are really bad. Where you place the "colored markers" in .png, often are no where near where they show up.

Something is really not right with the way the game is rendering certain images. It would make modding, especially using older mods so much better if this was fixed.

Thanks for the help.

vmxa_slith -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/14/2014 1:07:49 AM)

Ouch, update clobbers my settings, why? Now I have fleets I did not create and ships doing I do not know what? I thought I read that the new patch would leave the music settings alone, but no I have music now. As a new player, I am still not sure of all the changes I made to the settings, so it is not so easy to put things back.

Still do not like that each patch has its own save folder. At least I am now aware of it.

OJsDad -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/14/2014 1:56:55 AM)

Downloaded this earlier today.  Started a saved game that was created with 5.1 and have crashed my PC three times in the last hour.  I'll start a new game in 5.3 and see if that works.  Just wondering if anyone else had seen there.

vmxa_slith -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/14/2014 3:00:50 AM)

My game was a, but works fine. FWIIW

Darkspire -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/14/2014 5:45:07 AM)



Ouch, update clobbers my settings, why? Now I have fleets I did not create and ships doing I do not know what? I thought I read that the new patch would leave the music settings alone, but no I have music now. As a new player, I am still not sure of all the changes I made to the settings, so it is not so easy to put things back.

Still do not like that each patch has its own save folder. At least I am now aware of it.

It should be added to the list of changes that the update will create a new folder, it would help a great deal to avoid the confusion.

When ever an update is applied, the first thing you need to do is go straight into options once DW has loaded and change everything back to your own preferences, easiest way is once you have set them on the first page take a screen shot (Print Scrn or ALT + Print Scrn if your on a multiple monitor setup), move into the empire settings adjust that and take another screenshot there. Thus when an update happens you can just check the image and apply your preferences quickly and easy.

If you load a game before the options are set then chaos ensues as you have discovered, the other thing I tend to do once the options are set and the game is loaded is just check the policy settings for your Empire in game, they should reflect the options you set upon loading DW but sometimes might need a tweak or two, remember you can save the policy settings, I save them in the settings folder of the current game version with the designs.


AstroCat -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/14/2014 2:07:18 PM)

I noticed that the 4 diplomacy .mp3s will not play from a Custom mod folder, you need to replace them in the default folder. Not sure why. Also the button 2 does not work in diplomacy. So really it's best still to backup the vanilla effects folder and then copy yours over if you want to guarantee your sfx play.

There are a few image files like this as well, like the galaxy.png

vmxa_slith -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/14/2014 3:05:05 PM)

Well to me the game should not clobber the settings, period. If this was in fact a new game, I could see it as not being dealt with properly. This engine is many years old and should have long ago been corrected. Now I have to remember to deal with it. If I forget, then as you say it is chaos. Given that I do not have this issue anywhere else, it is likely I will forget again at some point.

I had not saved my settings as I have not developed one yet. Only played one game, so not tested many out. Had no idea I would need to have it saved, lol. Actually it is not funny. What time I had to play yesterday was all wasted trying to correct the damage. I should have reloaded, did not think of it, till now.

unclean -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/15/2014 2:37:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: Darkspire
When ever an update is applied, the first thing you need to do is go straight into options once DW has loaded and change everything back to your own preferences, easiest way is once you have set them on the first page take a screen shot (Print Scrn or ALT + Print Scrn if your on a multiple monitor setup), move into the empire settings adjust that and take another screenshot there. Thus when an update happens you can just check the image and apply your preferences quickly and easy.

Why don't you just copy the prefs file over?

Darkspire -> RE: v1.9.5.1 Update Now Available! (6/15/2014 7:34:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: unclean


ORIGINAL: Darkspire
When ever an update is applied, the first thing you need to do is go straight into options once DW has loaded and change everything back to your own preferences, easiest way is once you have set them on the first page take a screen shot (Print Scrn or ALT + Print Scrn if your on a multiple monitor setup), move into the empire settings adjust that and take another screenshot there. Thus when an update happens you can just check the image and apply your preferences quickly and easy.

Why don't you just copy the prefs file over?

Whenever a patch is applied it is always best to start from the vanilla default, it only takes me a few seconds to set the options again, thing that takes the most time is changing themes.


Icemania -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/15/2014 2:14:27 PM)

Another great patch!

More AI improvements are coming I hope ...

Tcby -> RE: v1.9.5.2 Update Now Available! (6/17/2014 1:08:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: Icemania

Another great patch!

More AI improvements are coming I hope ...

Yes, I think it's worth repeating that all the recent patches are really appreciated.

Some changes (growth rate) have been scrutinized pretty closely, but I regard the changes so far to be BIG improvements.

From the dev's perspective it's probably a mess reading the forums for constructive feedback at the moment. Lots of talk about all subjects, with no topic staying in its thread ([:'(])

I think many of us would like to make your patching process easier by giving you clear information to work off. I for one would really appreciate Elliot or Erik starting a thread on something specific so that we have some indication of whether we're wasting time talking about things that will never be changed in DW1.

Just thinking out loud.

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