Beginner guide by Learningbygaming (Full Version)

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wolf14455 -> Beginner guide by Learningbygaming (5/30/2014 2:33:56 PM)

Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager - Beginner's Guide

Nacho84 -> RE: Beginner guide by Learningbygaming (5/31/2014 7:51:13 AM)

This one is quite old! [:)]


wolf14455 -> RE: Beginner guide by Learningbygaming (5/31/2014 12:35:58 PM)

Opps its my fault, I forgot to check the date on this one. Hehe.

SebbiLebga -> RE: Beginner guide by Learningbygaming (5/31/2014 2:36:56 PM)

Well, the video might be still good for players who haven't upgraded the very first release version :-)

However, after so many updates to the game, a newer tutorial will be definitely useful. In this case, it could be quite possible that there might be a release of a new tutorial video in the near future. [sm=character0272.gif]

wolf14455 -> RE: Beginner guide by Learningbygaming (6/1/2014 9:26:03 AM)

Very good. [:D]
Can I sudgest it be stickied when that happen Dev. ? [:)]

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