pirate base building bug (Full Version)

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GVind -> pirate base building bug (5/31/2014 8:58:33 PM)

My pirate base was completed on neutral planet without any message in the log and now it is simply doing nothing except making possible to build pirate fortress. No research bonus no income bonus - nothing. I can scrap it and thats it. Waited around some time but situation still the same - i got pirate base which dont provide any bonuses at all.

Franky007 -> RE: pirate base building bug (6/1/2014 3:07:29 AM)

I got the same bug in my game as a Raider.
The Hidden base does not score in Victory screen either.

GVind -> RE: pirate base building bug (6/6/2014 6:10:11 AM)

I found the source of this. If you build base from Open Colonies -> Facilities screen base will be owned by no-one and will be bugged. Building from Right-Click -> Build planetary facilities -> Hidden pirate base - builds normal unbugged pirate base.

Franky007 -> RE: pirate base building bug (6/6/2014 11:48:32 AM)

Thanks, i hope this will be fixed asap...

If i remember correctly, i built my base with the action buttons (bottom of the Selection Panel). So it must be bugged too.

Also, i once build a Criminal Networks with the action buttons where the cost of 200000 was not deducted from my cash pool.

Stopple -> RE: pirate base building bug (6/6/2014 12:22:48 PM)

can verify that building the criminal network did not deduct the 200K

also noticing some weirdness building space ports as pirates - once a space port is built over an uninhabited planet, you can not build a mining facility

Franky007 -> RE: pirate base building bug (6/6/2014 12:52:19 PM)

Another UI bug:
Building Escort/Destroyers from the Build order screen, the ship are NOT named using my shipNames.txt file. But building from the Construction yard is OK.

(This is when playing as a Pirate!).

elliotg -> RE: pirate base building bug (6/14/2014 6:43:54 AM)

Thanks for these reports.

These issues are fixed in the next update.


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