After exiting Distant Worlds and then trying to play again DW does not load (Full Version)

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DrApostle -> After exiting Distant Worlds and then trying to play again DW does not load (5/31/2014 11:18:26 PM)

I have run into a minor annoyance.

If I play DWU (non-steam) and then exit and come back later, DW will not load. I can see in task manager the .exe is there but nothing is happening. Also, I can not seem to manually shut down the .exe file either.

I can reboot my computer and then DW works fine.

Has anyone else run into this?

Ackbar81 -> RE: After exiting Distant Worlds and then trying to play again DW does not load (6/1/2014 9:27:06 AM)


Here the same with the Steam-Version.

Steam works normaly but DW doesn´t work.

After reboot DW works

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