Stopple -> UI Suggestions (6/5/2014 3:37:40 PM)
Ship Controls Shift clicking a ship while having ship(s) selected will add the ship to the current group Shift clicking a ship's icon in the group area will remove that ship from the group If a selected ship has queued commands, draw ghost markers at the destinations Allow direct combat stance control on ships (am I missing something here? I have to assign a ship stance to an order type to change combat stance on a ship?) If a single ship is selected, show cargo icons on the top level screen If hovering a ship, show the size category in a different color before the ship's name. ex: [Frigate] Nature's Blessing Spy Stuff When assigning spy missions, grey out any choice which has no available sub-choice selections When changing empires in spy mission, retain previous mission type and duration (if possible) When changing empires in spy mission, auto select the first available mission type if no mission type is selected When changing spy missions, retain previous duration choice and apply to the new choice When choosing a spy for spy missions, show a top x list of available missions based on success rate