When I want to assign a new support unit, there are difference on the units available. For exemple, IX Corps HQ could attach many units (and pioneer for exemple). L Corps don't have the same choice (no pioneer...) Are SU available only to certain units or Army Groups... Or something else ???
Tried with support Lock / Unlock, no difference.
morvael -> RE: SU question. (6/7/2014 6:29:15 PM)
Each unit can only attach whatever SUs are in it's command chain - HQs they are attached to up to O.K.H. Probably one corps belongs to an army that has more SUs inside than the other. Do not use unlocked setting - it means you allow the AI to move support units as it sees fit. Use manual HHQ change button to send SUs from one HQ to nearby HQs (or move it to O.K.H. and distribute from there to any HQ on the next turn).
grosbil -> RE: SU question. (6/7/2014 7:10:35 PM)
Thanks for the answer. Well, I was thinking that units in this list was units from a "reserve" as, for aircraft. Didn't realize that those SU were in play and assigned to a unit [:D]