PBEM Game looking for a opponent (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> Time of Fury >> Opponents Wanted


PanzerRommel -> PBEM Game looking for a opponent (6/10/2014 5:47:14 AM)

who want to play this game ??

Nimrod 9th -> RE: PBEM Game looking for a opponent (6/10/2014 1:15:29 PM)

I'm very new to this game. But I'd be willing to run the neutral countries as Germany runs over them: Poland, Bel, Neth, Norway, Greece, etc. But I'm not up to playing a major power. Don't expect an expert defense ... sort of like history.

noel60 -> RE: PBEM Game looking for a opponent (6/10/2014 10:13:36 PM)

I am up for a game. Have one game in progress at the moment but have time for another.PM me.

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