caliJP -> RE: New potential player (6/21/2014 1:08:07 AM)
Welcome repman! My main advice is to take it a step at a time to not get too overwhelmed, it is a huge game as some of the other players mentioned. Definitely start with the short scenarios to learn all the movement, combat, command stuff first. That will take a little while already As far as Grand Campaign, I started with the German side. That seems to be the best way to go, as there are fewer things to worry about re: how to build your army or manage industry, yet it will add logistics and many other dimensions. I then moved to the Soviet side. That is definitely a whole additional ball game with how to evac you industry, organize your army over a period of months, manage a plethoric Air Force,... I very much enjoy it but I think the Soviet side is the most complex side (which is why I like it!) of this game. Get some practice against the AI before playing humans!