Recruit Nyrkki reporting for duty Sir! (Full Version)

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Nyrkki -> Recruit Nyrkki reporting for duty Sir! (2/13/2003 3:41:56 PM)

Hello Everyone,

After lurking around for some time now I decided it was time for me to step out of the shadows and register.

A short introduction is in place:

I guess I've been a world war II freak since 3rd grade when my friend showed me his miniature soldiers. After several years of warfare with plastic soldiers and models I stumbeld across wargames. My first wargame was Patton vs Rommel on C64 and Ï've been playing ever since.

Currently Playing:

Steel Panthers WaW, Steel Shield (playing the Germans against a friend of mine). With 9 turns left it seems I will lose this one. I'm currently holding on to just one of the V-hexes and I'm out of artillery and mortar rounds.

Lifting the veil of anonyminity I can tell you that I'm 32 years old living in Helsinki, Finland and working in financial administration in a multinational company. During my military service I was trained as a signals officer for the field artillery and received my commision when I was transfered to the army reserves.

Matrix forums are one of the greatest communities I have encountered on the net and I'm looking forward to beeing part it.



Zakhal -> (2/13/2003 4:34:13 PM)

Hi-ho! Nice to have more finns here.:D

Jim1954 -> (2/13/2003 8:43:14 PM)

Nyrkki, Bid a fond farewell to wife , kids, (and especially spare time). You have entered into the asylum with the rest of us.
Welcome to the InsAnITy!!!!!


Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (2/13/2003 10:15:50 PM)

Greetings dude, hope to see your comments here and there.

There is life outside of Matrix, but I think you will enjoy this being your home page:)

Our community here is a very activie "help the other guy" crowd.

Got a problem, speak it out loud and see how fast someone jumps on it and tries to help.

I would like to suggest a sub forum to check out, but heck, that is just not that easy. They all have merits (even the loonies in Art of War I suppose).

Fallschirmjager -> (2/14/2003 4:46:29 AM)

Hi.....nice to have you.

[QUOTE]even the loonies in Art of War I suppose[/QUOTE]
Hey watch it...;)

brent_2 -> (2/14/2003 9:39:54 AM)

Welcome aboard Nyrkki

and Les - I am not a loony, most of the time. :p

Nyrkki -> (2/14/2003 1:18:24 PM)

Thank you guys, it's nice to feel welcome.

You will most propably find me here in general discussions and in the forums for Battlefront and Combat Leader (Can't wait to get my hands on those two). Don't no about Art of War though. It seems that you need extreme opinions and a tenacity to stick to those opinions to get by in that crowd. Not my kind of fun, but you never no I might suprise myself...


Raverdave -> (2/14/2003 6:35:22 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nyrkki
[B]Don't no about Art of War though. It seems that you need extreme opinions and a tenacity to stick to those opinions to get by in that crowd. Not my kind of fun, but you never no I might suprise myself...

Nyrkki [/B][/QUOTE]

SSShhhhhhh ! They might hear you!;) Welcome aboard!

ananias -> (2/15/2003 1:52:08 AM)

Zakhal is right, it´s always nice to see more finns here. SPWAW seems to be quite popular with finnish players. Wonder why?

How many finns are there on this board, anyway?

Oh, yeah. Almost forgot. Welcome!

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (2/15/2003 3:22:54 AM)

Probably as many Finns as Canadians actually.

Everyone knows that in matters of cell phone usage and online interest, no one likes cell phones or being on the net more than Canadians and Finns eh.

Nyrkki -> (2/17/2003 2:38:50 PM)

Yes, every finn is packing a cell phone! Seriously, I don't think that a high density of cell phones and internet connections are the only reason for so many finns on different wargame forums.

The population in Finland is about 5 million. If it's true that 5 million finns can rally as many wargamers as for instance 30 plus million Canadians, there must be ohter reasons than the one mentioned above.

I haven't done any reasearch on this, it's not really my area of expertise, but there are a few charasterictics of the finnish society that might cause a larger interest in wargames and especially in wargames of world war II.

First of all, Finland has a conscription army. Over 80% of all men do military service in their twenties and are then placed in the in the reserves. When men get together, not many beers are needed before everybody has slipped into military jargon and are sharing stories from the service days. (At this point all women have disappered from the scen). So most men have military experience, many share an interest in military matters. I guess this is a good base for recruiting wargamers.

Secondly, Finland is a young nation and the second world war plays a major role in the creation of our nation. It's a survival story of a people fighting against all odds. Me and my generation have the previlege to know the actual persons who fought and survived as our grand parents. As the ranks of our nations heroes are thining, the younger generations feel a need to learn about then lives of their grandparents. At least for me, wargames are a way reliving those events.

Another matter is why wargamers find Finland so interresting. For a small insignificant country, Finland is very well represented in wargames. Any thoughts on this?


rockymtndoc -> (2/17/2003 8:25:16 PM)

And you have a fine and heroic military history, as well.

Welcome to the ranks.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (2/17/2003 8:46:41 PM)

Well I can only say, that the only thing keeping Canadians out of most military conflicts is a government that won't give us the funds to go.

Most are not fully aware of it, but while Canada was well known in say the Vietnam years as a place to run to if you didn't want to serve (assuming you were American), there was plenty of Canadians heading south with specific intention to actually join the American army just so we COULD go to Vietnam.

Look at our past record. Canadians like a good fight if we think the cause has any merit. But then there are no shortage of us willing to just go join someone else's army if we just merely want to go find a fight.

Maybe we Canadians just like to fight, not sure. Might explain why we like hockey so much (fighting is generally not accepted in basketball or soccer or baseball).
And football, well it is a very physical sport admittedly, but it is easier to play hockey, as the weather doesn't get in the way much hehe (so what if it snowed last night).

I personally think the best troops in the US military could easily be Canadians heheh.
Hell look at our pay differences. People join our army knowing full well the pay for being shot at, isn't much better than working at MacDonalds.
It's not like we have to be paid well to be enthusiastic about it.

They won't admit it, but the US usually gets beaten by us on maneuvers, and by troops that have junk for gear too.

Nyrkki -> (2/18/2003 3:47:42 PM)

This getting a bit off topic, but if we take ishockey as a measure for Canadians will to fight I have to agree. And I'm not only talking about willingness exchange head punches, I mean the hole attitude to the game.

You can never sitt back and relax when your team is playing Canada. I recall many of Finlands games against Canada, where Finland was 3 or 4 goals ahead with just one period to go and the Canadians refuse to give up and by some kind of a miracle ties the game.

Anyway, it's great game, ishockey.


Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (2/18/2003 8:33:26 PM)

Soccer is whether Canada or the US like it, the real international sport.
Not baseball, basketball, football, or hockey.

But I guess if you are talking/dealing with a Canadian, the world revolves around hockey heheh.

Heck I don't even like sports to be honest.

But if the guys want me to come over drink brews, scarf down munchies, and watch "the game". The "game" has to be hockey.

Even non sports fans in Canada will pick hockey first.

Must be the all the snow heheh.

Sami -> Hockey (2/24/2003 3:56:56 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nyrkki
[B]This getting a bit off topic, but if we take ishockey as a measure for Canadians will to fight I have to agree. And I'm not only talking about willingness exchange head punches, I mean the hole attitude to the game.

You can never sitt back and relax when your team is playing Canada. I recall many of Finlands games against Canada, where Finland was 3 or 4 goals ahead with just one period to go and the Canadians refuse to give up and by some kind of a miracle ties the game.

Anyway, it's great game, ishockey.

Nyrkki [/B][/QUOTE]

Canada... ahh....

Anyone remember the 1998 Nagano?

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (3/3/2003 3:35:05 AM)

clean up post, just ridding a certain name here move along nothing to see.

Everyone should add a bump or something and do there part to keep our Forums looking free of annoying spam hehe.

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