Alfred -> RE: Beta Download File "witploadai.exe" (12/23/2015 12:50:22 AM)
ORIGINAL: PaxMondo Its a great tool to enable work on the AI. I've been using it to update the allied AI in the mid to late game for my mod which is based upon the Nasty, Nasty version. Before, everything has to be hand keyed, now you can download and upload. As to how things work, you need to search for everything Andy Mac has posted over the years. Then be willing to spend a fair amount of time working through how his routines work and what they do. At that point you can start your work. Remember, these are scripts, so you must have a plan. You have to have a good vision of how players play and then create appropriate reactions to that. The achievements of Andy Mac are simply not appreciated by far too many who regularly claim their AI opponent is too easy to beat. Funny thing is how those same players, when they try to reuse the same gamey/unhistorical tactics which they used to derail the AI script, against a competent human player fail abjectly. Andy Mac could only develop his AI scripts along historical lines; to do otherwise would have been met by howls of protest that the AI was cheating. Thus limited he had to try to anticipate historically plausible human plans. The real flaw which any AI script has which a competent human player does not share, is the inability to punish human errors. An AI script cannot be written in advance to identify all the potential errors which a human opponent could make. Andy Mac could set the order of objective for the AI to follow but if the human opponent made an egregious error in not holding a key position, the script can not bypass it's existing order of advance to grab early and thus punish that human error. A competent human opponent would be able to punish such an error. Alfred