necaradan666 -> RE: Being able to build ships directly for/into a fleet... (6/18/2014 9:36:48 PM)
hell with a little extra coding you could manage manual fleet refurbishment empire wide from this single screen, as a bonus it would once again become a useful screen to veterans who play full manual and never let the randomness of the build order screens current behaviour interfere with their game. If the build order screen refreshed each time you clicked build, or chose a different spaceport you could for example build '5 frigates' at 'spaceport 1' and at the same time '3 destroyers' at 'spaceport 2' Imagine if there were also checkboxes at the end of each line for infinite build ala Gal Civ 2. Build batches of '2 escorts' at 'spaceport 3' to join 'escort fleet forever' ...infinitely, or for as long as cashflow is positive or resources hold out.