Mute UI (Full Version)

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aZmoDen -> Mute UI (6/18/2014 9:56:37 AM)

The beeps and snap noises the ui makes is driving me nuts, i have to play this on mute.
Can we please have a mute UI option ?

*edit* is there a mod or something that can completely mute the ui?

comsolut -> RE: Mute UI (6/18/2014 10:00:19 AM)


Tehlongone -> RE: Mute UI (6/18/2014 5:16:16 PM)

I wish it was an ingame option, but there is a mod I use.

Also this one for clicks.

DeadlyShoe -> RE: Mute UI (6/18/2014 6:05:51 PM)

if you're getting pings all the time, you might be better off just turning off the events you are being spammed with.

menu/options/empire options

Tehlongone -> RE: Mute UI (6/18/2014 6:14:30 PM)

Doesn't work fully, there's still stuff that makes alarm noises and I think he was mostly concerned with the sounds made each time you click something in the menus.

I gotta say removing all those sounds works wonders on my sanity and enjoyment of the game, I find the constant alarms stressful. Hearing an alarm, I know it's probably nothing but my subconsciousness keeps telling me to make sure, better without any sounds as the alarms were so frequent that I was trying to ignore them anyhow.

UI sounds are also annoying.

Tormodino -> RE: Mute UI (6/18/2014 6:24:22 PM)

God yes... I force myself to ignore it, but it really should be muteable. Getting that mod asap.

aZmoDen -> RE: Mute UI (6/18/2014 11:45:29 PM)

Thanks guys that kinda helped.

The -20d mod seems to have drastically reduced the sounds for Expansion Planner, Empire Comparison, Policy, Game Editor, Empire Summary, Main Menu screens as well as Closing windows the OKAY button for ship design.

Buuuuut there is still really loud sound (its BOOP sound) when i click Colony Screen, Character, Diplomacy, Research, Design, Construction Yards, Ships and Bases, Fleets, Troops, Galacticopedia, Message screens.
Also clicking on ship designs in the design screen as well as clicking each individual component when designing ship. <- that one is really freaking annoying :S

So, can anyone tell me how to mute/lower the sounds of those?

*edit* if i could find the sound file responsible i wonder if i could just copy one of the other low sound files and rename/replace the original.....

*edit 2* Found it! its the Grid.wav file, going to replace it with a renamed reduced sound file.

*edit 3* Ok that worked fine, no loud UI sounds now. It reduces the variance of sounds you subconsciously hear but the game can now be played whilst watching a show on the other monitor without annoying sounds playing.
It would be nice for someone to make a lower volume grid.wav sound tho, just to keep the sounds original :)

Kayoz -> RE: Mute UI (6/19/2014 12:24:07 AM)

You can kill the sound by using mixer to mute the program. That'll get rid of most, but afaik, not all sounds. Bizarrely enough, it still beeps occasionally.

aZmoDen -> RE: Mute UI (6/19/2014 1:28:16 AM)

I think its the fact that you can lower the sounds / music in game to achieve the level of sound you want but the UI doesnt scale with it, so a low volume of sound effects while watching tv (if the movie/show needs louder volume) can produce massively loud ui clicks, snaps and boops.
Especially annoying if you have kid that gone to bed.

Kayoz -> RE: Mute UI (6/19/2014 3:15:31 AM)

I've complained about this repeatedly in the past, to no avail. Using the mixer to kill the sound for DW is the only work-around I've found.

aZmoDen -> RE: Mute UI (6/19/2014 4:33:29 AM)

We both have solutions that work for us, but in reality, it would be ideal if there were an ingame method of setting this up to personal tastes, ie a ui sound slider :)

thefinn12345 -> RE: Mute UI (6/19/2014 7:28:19 AM)



We both have solutions that work for us, but in reality, it would be ideal if there were an ingame method of setting this up to personal tastes, ie a ui sound slider :)

Indeed, I think most people get around to fixing this, but obviously the game needs polish and they should get to it.

PharAway -> RE: Mute UI (6/23/2014 2:46:46 AM)

I couldn't agree more! It is so annoying when making/watching let's play episodes!!

Spidey -> RE: Mute UI (6/23/2014 8:28:31 AM)

I'd like to jump the bandwaggon here and add another voice of agreement about the general loudness of some of the sounds. I've hard modded the default sound files to get around the problem, but that in turn simply makes it harder to enjoy LPs of DW, since the various LP'ers haven't made the same mods.

"Let's add, say, 20 units of armor to this design"

And then during early mid-game when pirates go crazy and they're getting 3-4 notifications per minute about civilians getting attacked on top of all the general beep-beep-beeps about all the other stuff going on? And then that infernal click2.wav going off, scaring me ****less that my mouse just collapsed every time, even if I'm not using it? Things like that can totally crash my brain.

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