nashvillen -> RE: Updates (10/10/2014 12:42:00 AM)
This is supposed to be a fun game, right? Even if you are getting beaten back as the allies in the first couple of months, there are little victories or limited chances to stem the tide, right? Well, not with this mod. Hate to say it, but it is borked. One month in, and the Japanese players are going where they want with overwhelming land, air, and naval superiority. Why not just say if Yamato got everything he wanted the Japanese would win hands down and be done with it? This is turning into a vast waste of time. Try to run as the Allies and the Japanese, with the carriers spread out and not going towards PH run rampant over everything. There is not chance to do anything to stem the tide. It is the first week of January and they are already invading Cylon. With the garrison requirements doubled in India, there is no chance to even try to build up anything. There isn't enough on Cylon to do the garrison requirements and still defend against three divisions landing with a full complement of artillery, air HQ and air support units. P.S. we are running the RA scenario 50 from the RA mod web site.