cdnice -> RE: HMAS Australia (8/11/2015 8:02:09 PM)
There was also the New Zealand if you are looking to add ships, she was scrapped but could have ended up over there as part of Jellicoes planned Far East Fleet. I remember reading somewhere of his recommendations but can't find it anywhere. I will look around and see if I come across it again. Found it, posted as FYI for potential modder use: In November 1918, the Australian Minister for the Navy, Sir Joseph Cook, had asked Admiral Lord Jellicoe to draw up a scheme for the Empire's naval defence. Jellicoe set out on a tour of the Empire in the battlecruiser HMS New Zealand in February 1919.[25] He presented his report to the Australian government in August 1919. In a section of the report classified as secret, he advised that the interests of the British Empire and Japan would inevitably clash. He called for the creation of a British Pacific Fleet strong enough to counter the Imperial Japanese Navy, which he believed would require 8 battleships, 8 battlecruisers, 4 aircraft carriers, 10 cruisers, 40 destroyers, 36 submarines and supporting auxiliaries.(5) - Wikipedia I have found the following breakdown for an ideal composition (larger than noted above) from reviewing the reports from the trip online at The British Library: - 8 Battleships (UK-Valiant) - 8 Battle Cruisers (Tiger- 6 UK, 1 Australia + 1x Australia) - 19 Light Cruisers (Cassandra- 8 UK, 8 Australia- 4 in reserve, 3 New Zealand) - 3 Flotilla Leaders (Shakespeare- 2 UK, 1 Australia) - 40 destroyers (Improved "W" Class/"V Class"- 28 UK, 12 Australia- 2 in reserve) - 2 Torpedo Boat Destroyer Depot Ship (Woolwich- 1 UK, 1 Australia) - 36 Submarines ('L'Class- 22 UK, 8 Australia, 6 New Zealand) - 4 Submarine Parent Ship (Lucia/Platypus- 2 UK, 1 Australia, 1 New Zealand) - 12 Sloop Mimesweeper (Flower Q Boat- 8 UK, 4 Australia in reserve) - 4 Aircraft Carriers (No classes noted- UK 2 large, Australia- 1 large, New Zealand- 1 small) - 2 Fleet Repair Ships (No classes noted UK 1, 1 Australia) - 1 Seagoing Minelayer (No classed noted, 1 Australia in reserve) Also noted for Australia and dedicated to Harbour Defence are: 20 (16 in reserve) old destroyers of the 'M' class or earlier, 4 Yarra class moved to Harbour Defence as 'V' class are commissioned, 10 submarines (no class noted), 82 Trawler Minesweepers (8 active, 74 in reserve/fishing trawlers identified for appropriation/conversion). The report for Canada listed for protection of trade and ports: - 3 x Light Cruisers (Bristol) - 1 x Flotilla Leader - 12x Torpedo Destroyer Boats (Improved "W" Class) - 8 x Submarines - 1 x Parent Ship For co-operation in general naval needs of the Empire: - 1 x Battle Cruiser - 2 x Light Cruiser (Bristol) - 6 x Destroyers - 4 x Submarines - 2 x Fleet Minesweepers No classes were listed but I would presume that those listed in the Australian report would be the ones used. They also listed numbers used as a base strike force and the requirement for support ships. They are: Strike Force = 1xBC, 2xCL, 6xDD, 4xSS, 2xFleetMSW and in support: - 18 x Destroyers = 1 x Depot Ship - 9 x Destroyers = 1 x Flotilla Leader - 8 x Submarines = 1 x Depot Ship - 2 x strike units = 1 x Aircraft Carrier - 8 x do (units/ships?) = 1 x Repair Ship - 16 x do (units/ships?) = 1 x Minelayer Anyways, some interesting reading. The Australia report can be found at: Jellicoe Report- Australia 1919 I also saw references to the British war plans which included fighting the US in the Pacific. Now there is a mod no one has looked at yet that I am aware of, the British-Japanese Alliance remains in place and the two fight the US. Big what-if but I know how many on this forum love those!! [;)]